Friday, July 17, 2015

Posting and Tweeting Wisely with love, compassion, and thinking. Our words have power! Use them to build up and lovingly support!

Dear Family of  Love,

I have been felled yet again by one of my sinus headaches and a bit of eye strain this evening. That means we pray in place and meditate and rest. I hope to be back on the prayer walk trail tomorrow.
It is amazing how these icky and I mean icky things make one feel. I was so enthused about today and was getting ready to write something profound on Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting but that isn't to be. In its place is something I posted on Facebook earlier today and here it is:

Going off the grid for a little while! I love you all! 
Let's make a pledge as family members and Children of God to post only positive and inspiring posts that won't wound or harm another person's emotions or attack who God made them to be today. Before you post look in the mirror and ask yourself if this how God wants you to act and would Jesus do this? If your answer is no then don't post. Remember you are hurting and harming your relationship with God and the family members God has called us to love, serve, and include. Remember to Love. Period. Serve. Period. Include . Period. Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk. Period. Words wound. Period. Actions wound. Period. Remember this. Period.

Here is what we all must do here and outside of Walk With Me On Our Journey:
Post and Tweet Wisely with loving care.. Our words have power to hurt, harm, and exclude just as they have the power to love, transform, welcome, and comfort. Let's use our words wisely with God's help with a loving and tender voice

Tonight we will again take time in the quiet of our souls to lay down our worries, burdens, anxieties,fears and all else that is troubling us and place them into the Worry/Sabbath Box.
Then we will take time for a period of quiet reflection, introspection, and meditation on how we use our words.
Take time to Breathe in the Holy Spirit and Exhale Love. Then listen and relax when you hear these two pieces from Bobby McFerrin:

Common Threads - Bobby McFerrin

Psalm 23 - Bobby McFerrin

Our only prayer for tonight is this :

\. A Prayer attributed to St. Francis
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
are born to eternal life. Amen

We pray for___________________________

We give thanks for______________________

We celebrate___________________________

We remember__________________________

We lift up these our prayers in the most Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you. May you find rest for your bodies, minds, and spirits. I give God thanks for you this night and always.  Have a happy Self-Care Saturday tomorrow.

With love,


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