Sunday, July 26, 2015

Milestones not millstones! Walk With Me On Our Journey Celebrates 65,000 page views.

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Life's Journey together,

I hope everyone continued to have a wonderful Sabbath and Self-Care Weekend. If you haven't taken the time to rest and and be in tune with God. For many of you being in tune with God may or may not involve being in a church setting. Where ever you can dial in with the holy that is where you should be. Today I went to church, attended the Obon festival, and walked in God's Cathedral of life. These opportunities enriched my day. The most exciting part of the day was when Walk With Me On Our Journey reached 65,000 page views. This is a major milestone for the blog and it comes just three days before its second birthday. This milestone we celebrate not with giddiness  but with thanksgiving to God for the opportunity to share the Good News, give love, be kind, and  connect with one another with acceptance.  Milestones must not be seen as millstones. Milestones  should be  freeing and  uplifting. How do you celebrate your life's milestones? Do your milestones feel like millstones? These are questions I would like us to ponder for the next few days. Tonight we celebrate by lifting our hearts in prayer, our voices in thanksgiving, and meditating on the future as we continue to walk with each other on this journey. Tonight let us take time to close our eyes and gently relax our bodies.

Listen to this piece of music and relax and be free! Don't forget to breathe! 
 David Arkenstone -Valley in the Clouds

As you gently open your eyes after these relaxation exercises, what do you notice?  What were the thoughts that went through your head?  Are you able to freely breathe and be relaxed?

Now let us take a virtual Labyrinth Walk with the mouse as our feet. 

God we thank you for tonight's journeys into our inner being so that we may journey outward onto the path that you have prepared for us. 

God we thank you for the gift of Walk With Me On Our Journey and all the lives, hearts, and spirits it has touched, is touching both now and into the future.

God we thank your for the readers of Walk With Me On Our Journey  who have become a dearly beloved family.

God we pray for all of our family members who will become or are new readers who will find solace here and words of love and comfort.

God we pray for all who are in need of healing of  of body, mind, and spirit as we remember our family members by name______________________

God we pray for  all of our family members who are the least of these that we may rise to lovingly help them.

God we pray for peace in this world of  yours. 

God we come to you with humble hearts asking that our hearts if they are troubled may be soothed and comforted with your abundant love.May we lay down our troubles by the waterside.

God may we rest gentle tonight and see that our live's milestones aren't millstones and celebrate with attitudes of gratitude. 

Accept these our prayers in the name God the Creator, Jesus our redeemer, and the Holy Spirit our Holy Comforter. Amen. 


Good Night Dear and Lovely Family ! I love you and give God thanks for you! Remember tomorrow is you matter Monday! 

With love, joy, hope, and peace,


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