Sunday, July 5, 2015

Loving our family members in an angry, upset, and divided world!

Dear Family of Love,

Happy July 5! I hope everyone had a wonderful day of Sabbath Rest! Tonight God gave us this to chew on! Loving our family member in an angry, upset, and divided world! We talk about love quite a bit here at Walk With Me On Our Journey don't we? It seems as though that is what God wants us to learn how to do and be. So here we are learning to love the family members who are our enemies, members of faith communities that we don't share anything in common with, and family members who are intentionally harming and hating us. I think learning to love and be love is a process just like learning to ride a bike and walking. It is step by step, minute by minute, nano second by nano second, and inch by inch.  So how do we do this?

                           A Recipe for Loving our Family Members!

First do you love God? If you do you have it made.
Second do you love your Neighbor/Family member who is close to you? If you do  You have it made.
Thirdly do you love your self? If you do, you have it made.

Now you and we have all the main ingredients!

Next stir all the things that make us human that we all have in common. 

Add compassion, giving, mercy, unconditional love and acceptance.

Sift together all the dry ingredients in our hearts and minds to get rid of hidden or exposed bad chunks such as hate, anger, division. They will be left in the sifter so that they may be thrown away. They are not needed in this world or in our Love Cake. 

Add the wet ingredients which are tears of joy, the Waters of life, and the waters Jesus used to wash the disciples' feet that changed as in the words of Facebook their relationship status to Friends not teacher. 

Lightly and lovingly fold these things together peacefully and gently, and place them in a pan and bake until done. Some of us will be more ready to love unconditionally more quickly than others. It takes work and an expanding heart and heart home to do this. 

This may be simplistic but we all must do it.  Frost the cake with your favorite icing! 

Enjoy the sweet taste of Love,compassion, joy, mercy, unity, and  God's goodness!

Tonight let us take time for silent prayer and meditation using these old prayers from an old blog!

God we pray this night for all who are in pain in body, mind, and spirit that they may feel you healing and loving presence. 

We pray for peace on Earth and that we may become the Family of God that you have called us to be. May we break down the walls and borders that divide us.

We remember this day all of our Family Members who are returning from the long weekend and for traveling mercies.

We pray this night for all who have had to spend the weekend in the hospital or any care facility.

We pray for all those who are seeking healthy employment and workplace conditions. 

We pray that we may learn to love with our hearts, minds, and spirits to build up and not to destroy.

We pray that we all may learn to stop the glorification of busy and learn to rest and be at peace

We pray this night for all children and for their safety during the Summer months.

We pray for all those who have addiction, mental illness, and memory disorders.

We pray that we may be able to be better listeners at heart and soul level.

We pray for all of our Family Members who keep us safe from harm.

We pray that we may be learn to take care of  Your Cathedral of Life and that we may stop being wasteful. 

We pray for all of our Family Members not just the ones we are related to by blood but through our common humanity. May we learn to love them more each and every day that we, live, move and be.

We pray especially for_________________________

Jesus help us to etch these words in our bodies, minds, and spirits "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

We ask these our prayers in Your Name Lord Jesus. Amen


Good Night Dear and Loving Family Members! I love you! I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

With love and all that is good!


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