Monday, July 6, 2015

"Respecting the Dignity of Every Human Being!"

Dear Family of  Love!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Monday and that you remembered that it is You Matter Monday! I'm finding out that not all people understand my thinking as a Christian. This isn't anything new but it hurts none the less. I find that as one who wants to convey  and conveys God's Love for us all and that we all are God's Children and that we matter it is sometimes difficult to convince others who have an opposing viewpoint. I keep having to remind myself and also you my dear family as well, that we are called in the baptismal covenant (Episcopal version) "To respect the dignity of every human being" That is the core of what we must do as people of faith and as human beings! We aren't let off the hook ! We don't get to have a pass on whom we love and serve. Jesus was good at telling us about the lepers, the prostitutes, the Samaritans, the Woman who had the issue of blood, those who were blind, disabled, mute,  and anyone else he came into contact with. He modeled  for us love, caring, and inclusion. I was struck that Jesus kept asking Peter 3 times "Do you love me?" It was as if he was erasing each denial before he gave him his commission. So tonight let us begin with fervor and joy and resolve and courage to love each other unconditionally with dignity and respect. We need to do this now more than ever.  I hope that tonight's venting didn't rattle you as much as it rattled me. Let us take time to go deeper and find ourselves listing to God's still small voice and find peace and calm. Before we do this let us do our breathing exercises to help us center.

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know 
Be still

God help us to be loving among those who are unloving
Lord hear our prayer.

God give us patience to tell our faith stories and listen to those of our family members who disagree.
Lord hear our prayer.

God give us loving hearts and heart homes that are open to all of our family members who are in need of love and understanding.
Lord Hear our prayer.

God we pray for all who are ill and in need of healing as we remember today______________
Lord Hear our prayer

God we pray for all who are pre-grieving and grieving losses of any kind.
Lord hear our prayer.

God we pray for peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits and in this fragile and broken world of ours.
Lord hear our prayer.

God we pray for all who are refugees, prisoners, political prisoners, victims of violence, terror, abuse, and human trafficking!
Lord hear our prayer.

God we pray that we may tenderly care for your Cathedral of life and use all natural resources with care and conservation.
Lord hear our prayer.

God we pray that we may respect the dignity of all the least of these and enfold them into our family as Children of God.
Lord hear our prayer.

God we give thanks for___________________

God we pray for________________________

Accept these our prayers in the Name of Jesus our redeemer, friend, and the Great Physician of us all.


Good Night My Beloved Family Members! I love you! You Matter! I respect and honor you as my family members. I will be a soft place for you to fall and I give God thanks for you this day and always!

With love and heartfelt family connections at the heart home level,


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