Monday, February 15, 2016

A trip into the wilderness to find out who and whose we are! (new pix too!)

Dear Family of Love,

Happy You Matter Monday! I hope everyone has enjoyed your day and if you live in the U.S. a wonderful President's Holiday! This week our main theme for us when we have our mindfulness times is this: Week 2: Taking time by serving the least of these by taking on________________? What are you going to take on/  What are you going to find out about yourself by taking on a CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) task by serving the least of these? This week we need to follow Jesus back into the wilderness and spend some time with him and face our own temptations and foibles. As we journey back into the wilderness we will spend time with God to see ourselves as we are and whose we are. Self examination is very important during Lent and often during the year and in our lives. Tonight as we prepare to go back into the wilderness let us decide what we are going to take with us on our journey. Jesus gave us a clue when he sent his disciples on their first ministry journeys,

              "no bag for your journey, or two tunics, or sandals, or a staff; for laborers deserve their food"

 What are you going to take on your journey this week? Could you do the above? What if you were a poor refugee could you do this? Could you do this as part of a discernment process? Could you be like Jesus, John the Baptist, Moses, and Paul? Each had interesting experiences on the road and in their own wilderness experiences.  Let us take time to look at the Gospel Lesson from yesterday as our guide: 

GOSPEL:  Luke 4: 1 - 13   

Luke 4:1 (NRSV) Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. 3 The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread." 4 Jesus answered him, "It is written, "One does not live by bread alone.'" 

5 Then the devil led him up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And the devil said to him, "To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. 7 If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours." 8 Jesus answered him, "It is written, 
"Worship the Lord your God, 
and serve only him.'" 
9 Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, 10 for it is written, 
"He will command his angels concerning you, 
to protect you,' 
11 and 
"On their hands they will bear you up, 
so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.'" 
12 Jesus answered him, "It is said, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" 13 When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time. 

Could you go away to a different place that doesn't have all the Mod-Cons, cell service, internet, etc. for awhile? Could you go to a place where the stores aren't open on Sundays? Could you be in a monastery where you had to lay down all the things so that you could pray, meditate and dial in with the holy? Could you turn off the Grammy awards and read this blog as I have turned it off to write it? Could you give up your favorite shows on TV just to be with God?

Invite you to take a journey with Jesus and Walk With Me On Our Journey this week into the wilderness and find out who and whose you are? Don't be afraid! It is one step at a time! We will take it slow and by the end of the week we will find out some amazing things about who we are  and how much God loves each and every one of us equally and extravagantly.  Will you Walk With Me On Our Journey? Oh, and don't forget to write!

As you can see there are lots of questions to ponder but we don't have to answer them all in one night. Use them throughout the week and in the days and weeks to come.

Let's engage in our "Be Stills"

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Slowly inhale.
Slowly exhale

Pause. Count to 10.

Repeat 4 times! 

Now sit quietly and reflect up the day past and enjoy your visit with God. Open wide your heart homes and feel God filling you up with Love Energy.

Dear Ones- It is our time for our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils. Let us light our candles and be at prayer. Tonight we pray for peace and an end to all forms of violence and armed hostility. We pray for the people of Syria who endured bombings of hospitals, schools, and all civilian casualties. We pray for an end to hatred, bigotry, violence, and anything that separates God's family members from each other. We pray for CALM ( Compassion, Acceptance, Love and Mercy) We pray for our family members this week and that we may build each other up with love and by sharing what we have with the least of these in humble and gentle service. Let us pray that we may practice random acts of kindness. 

God of all goodness help us we pray as we enter this time of going into our own wilderness experience with You, Jesus, and each other. 

God we pray that when temptations befall us we may find ourselves leaning on you for help and that we may know that with you "All things are possible"

God we pray for the least of these who remind us of what it must have been like for the Disciples when they began their early ministry. Help us to gently and humbly,love, care, serve, and protect them wherever they may be.

God we pray for all of us who are experiencing spiritual dry spells that we may find this a time of rest and listening to you with the ears of our hearts and heart homes. 

God we pray for all of our families who may not practice our faith and that they may learn to understand why we do the things we do. We pray that they may find You when they are ready.

God we pray for an end to violence and terror. We pray that peace may prevail upon earth and that we may do in the words of Micah 'Do Justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God".

God we pray for all who are battling illness and who are hospitalized. We pray for our family members who are waiting and sitting vigil beside their loved ones waiting for healing  and those who are in wait for their loved ones to transition into the Thin Places.

God we pray for _______________________________

God we give thanks for__________________________

God we pray for sound government in this our nation and in the nations of the world and that a spirit of respect may grow and prosper. Help the politicians to lay down their verbal weaponry and seek only to do good for the people they have been elected to serve. 

God we pray for our youth and that they may not be led into gangs and violence ant they may find positive ways to live their lives. We pray for all those who are parents and who mentor our youth.

God we pray for our cities and towns that they may be protected from violence and hatred.

God we pray that we may have love energy to be enlivened to do your will and show your love and light to your fragile and broken world.

All these prayers we offer and lay them at your feet Lord Jesus. Amen.

Wishes for today:
Every child has a loving and safe family in which to thrive and grow.

Every person on the planet has a home where they can live and be safe from harm and violence.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you and may you all rest 

gentle in God's arms this night and always! Remember tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday! Please take care and know that you are loved.

Sending love, prayers, blessings and a wish for a calm spirit to you this night,


Here are our seven Keywords and concepts;
Find out what the Pinacle of the Temple Looks like.
What are the differences between temples, churches, synagogues, basilicas, and cathedrals? Where do you worship?
Holy Spirit

This week we will take time to apply these concepts for our period of introspection and getting into the minds of the least of these.

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