Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Countdown to our 40 day Dial in with God Has Begun! It's all about Love, being CALM, and serving with Love Energy!

Dear Family of Love!

Happy Sabbath Rest and Self-Care Evening! Oh yes, Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Last evening I had the honor of attending the San Luis Obispo Symphony and that is why you had a blog reprise. Art pilgrimages in any form are still very important to me and they should be to you as well. Those of us in faith communities celebrated our final Sunday in the Epiphany season. We are officially counting down to our 40 day dial in with God, each other, our enemies, and ourselves! People Lent isn't just about giving up it is about taking on and refocusing our lives and journey with Jesus. This year I would like everyone to think of this period as a time where there can be little epiphanies each day that we dial in with God. I would like us to journal our  Lenten journey. Start each week with these themes:
Week 1: Taking on and laying down.
Week 2: Taking time by serving the least of these by taking on________________?
Week 3: Challenging ourselves to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us. How can we be of help to them. 
Week 4: Putting that Love your neighbor thing into practice! Can you name your next door neighbor's names.
Week 5 Journeying With Jesus during Holy Week and beyond.

Tonight we should be getting ourselves ready for this spiritual adventure by spending time in quiet contemplation. 
Tomorrow: Buy your journal and a blank calendar page that we will be turning into a kind of Lenten Advent Calendar. You will get a series of words for the week to place in the squares  on Sundays. Each of those words will be our meditation words for the week. 

Shrove Tuesday : Clean out the cobwebs in our spiritual selves and get it ready for Ash Wednesday. This is the annual Carbo Load before we take on tight control of the carbs in our lives. 

Ash Wednesday: Let's begin with worship and the reminder "Remember that you are Dust and to Dust you shall return" a good time to remember and honor our mortality and if you haven't updated your advanced directives and end of life decisions it would be a good time to do so. 

That's just for starters there is more to come!

Let's engage in our "Be Stills"

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Slowly inhale.
Slowly exhale

Pause. Count to 10.

Repeat 4 times! 

Now sit quietly and reflect up the day past and enjoy your visit with God. Open wide your heart homes and feel God filling you up with Love Energy.

Dear Ones, it is time to return to our nightly Virtual Candlelight and Prayer Vigils. Let us light our candles and be at prayer. Tonight we pray for all those who are suffering anxieties and worries. We pray for those who are living with chronic illnesses and pain. We pray for safety, peace, and love in our world. May we ever be mindful of the least of these.  May we pray that we may remember this " Be Still and Know that I am God" and keep being CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful)

Prayers for today;

Listen  to these pieces of music if you'd like: Phillip Aaberg - Out of the Frame or Taize Mix


God  who loves and protects us ,from harm we pray for all who are victims of domestic violence and abuse that they may be relieved of all suffering and trauma and that they may find safe shelters away form their abusers.

God who loves us, may we never seek to be judge and jury of others with whom we differ and let go and let you be God.

God who loves us, we pray for all who are ill in body, mind and spirit we pray that they may be healed.

God who loves us, we pray for peace in this world. May we with you shower all of our family members with love and blessings and yes, God we know that this means our enemies and those who hate us and wish us harm.

God who loves us, we pray for all faiths where extremism has hijacked the true tenets of their beliefs for their own gain and violent intentions. God help all of us take back our faiths and practice what you modeled for us in the loving name of Jesus .

God who loves us, we pray for all who have died remembering especially and we remember all who mourn their loss. 

God who loves us, let us lay down our burdens tonight and prepare for You Matter Monday tomorrow. God help us to place our worries, anxieties, fears, and anything else that separates us from you in our Worry/ Sabbath box so that we may be completely focused on you!

God who loves us, we lift up our additional prayers and thanksgivings in the Name of your Son Jesus. Amen.  


Today's wish is that you all may be showered with blessings and love this day!

Prayers for tomorrow:

God we pray that we never take time for granted and treat each minute of the day as sacred.

God we pray for our family members who are stressed out with worry may we step up and love and help them in any way that we can.

God we pray for peace in the world that we may take time to pray and give voice for the voiceless who are afraid to speak for themselves in these violent and war torn areas of the world.

God we pray for sound education that is fair and for those who teach and those who learn. May their course work be unbiased and truthful.

God we pray for sound government where division may cease and that every one may seek to serve all humanity for the good of all.

God we pray for all who are ill may they receive your healing balm and that we may rise to help them.

God we pray for all who have lost pets and loved ones that they may mourn with confidence and know that they are loved beyond all measure.

God we pray for all who are artists may we appreciate their God given talents and as we gaze at the painting or photo, listen to the sound of  voice or orchestra. May we see your touch and inspiration O, God.

God we pray for all who are in need and especially for the least of these. May we rise to be their family members and their keepers. 

God we pray that no one is to be ignored and be treated as invisible. May we love everyone with courage and strong hearts and open heart homes.

God we lift up these our prayers in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


Today's wish is that we all take time to rest, relax, and renew our bodies, minds, and spirits! Be refreshed in Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace!


Good Night Dear Family ! I love you! May you all have a restful and peaceful night enfolded in God's loving arms. I give God thanks for you this day and always!

With love and blessings,


The seven key Words and concepts for this week are:
Being Thoughtful and Thankful.
Heart Home
Love Energy

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