Friday, February 12, 2016

It's hard to keep the faith this Friday Fearlessly without Fretting ! My heart home and faith in people has been shaken!

Dear Family of Love!

I'm normally a happy person but I have been violated in one of the worst ways! Today I thought I had money in the bank when I went to get lunch at Del Taco. I pulled out my debit card and gave it to the cashier and they said I could only get 3 dollars of food. I thought that was strange and went home and went online and found out that someone in Tracy California has been using either my number on my debit card or my bank account and charged up a bunch of items and thousands of dollars. I didn't know that you could spend that amount on a debit card. Needless to say I called the bank and had them stop my card. I have been rattled to the core. My heart home has been damaged and I swing between anger, rage, and emotional upset. I guess I get to place these worries into the Worry Sabbath/box tonight and soothe my heart home. This feels like when I was attacked by the Santa Maria Groper. So we start anew being careful and also knowing that we must shred our receipts watch our bank accounts meticulously and maybe not use the drive through window.  There was one bright spot though, my Cancer Rehab therapist gave me a Panera Gift Card. John also monitored me at Cancer Rehab like a hawk.  This week I'm going to learn how to live simply and know what is is like once again to live on the margins   So tonight calls for CALM and doing our "Be Stills" and prayers. 

For our Journaling our Journey assignment tonight:
Let us meditate on our Keyword :Heart home. 
Let us make our final intention of what we are going to take on and lay down. 

Tomorrow's Homework: 
Do one thing that you are taking on and laying down:
Our keyword and concept is: Love energy.

Let us prepare ourselves by doing our "Be Stills"

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Slowly inhale.
Slowly exhale

Pause. Count to 10.

Repeat 4 times! 

Now sit quietly and reflect up the day past and enjoy your visit with God. Open wide your heart homes and feel God filling you up with Love Energy.

Dear Ones it is time to set aside our time for our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils. Let us light our candles and be at prayer This evening let us pray for the victims and survivors of violence and abuse. We pray for those who need to commit crimes and we pray that justice may roll down and be done. We pray for those whose hearts, minds, and spirits, are shaken.  We pray that we may all learn to be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful). 

A few prayers for the Vulnerable and Survivor-victims of Violence and abuse:

Dear Lord we pray for the victims and survivors of violence and abuse. 

We pray for all those who work in the areas of domestic violence and child abuse prevention.

We pray for CALM, CASA, Child Help, Silent Witness and the many organizations that help and make programs for our family members feel safe, protected, valued, loved, and remembered.

We pray for all those who are trained in SART and those who will be cared for tonight. Wrap your arms around them Lord and make them feel that they are safe.

Remembering those who have lost their lives due to gun violence.

We pray for all women who have been victims of Domestic Violence and those who have lost their lives due to domestic violence and are known only to you.

We pray for safe streets and sidewalks for all of our family members. 
Remembering especially the disabled, elderly, women, and children.

We pray that all those who commit these terrible acts may be caught and brought to justice.

We pray for our family members who have been victimized by the Santa Maria Groper. 

We pray that all of us may not be afraid to get involved, speak truth to power,  report incidences as both victims/survivors, and witnesses, and wear the mantles you give us when we are called to be your spokespeople and speak up on behalf of others who can't and are afraid to.

Lord God, watch over our cities, family members, and those who haven't any choice but to walk during the evening and night hours. We lift up these prayers to you O Lord. Amen.


Dear Family of Love, take time to Keep the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without fretting  keep being the CALM and amazing family of God and Love that you are. I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always!

Love and peace of mind to all.


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