Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A special message from me! Live,love, laugh! Pray in place!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey,

We pray in place tonight while I stay home and complete preps for tomorrow's surgery. Today, I haven't been at all anxious and am amazingly calm and ready for this surgery to be done and on my way to a new normal. I wan't you all to know from my tip toes to the top of my head and from the bottom of my heart how much your love, prayers, and support have made the difference these past few weeks and I know I can withstand anything. I love you all and hope you feel it to. Know that I love each one of you dearly and am so glad and blessed that we are family. I don't want any of you to get the fret and worry posture. I need you to be positive. I know the many dear brothers who do read this blog are tenderhearted and I can see the look in your eyes as your hearts are in your eyes! No trying to fool me!  So dearly beloved brothers, I need you to be strong for me and know that I love you and will be back good as new soon. As we are a family our hearts beat to the same drum, the drum of love. So tomorrow and tonight as we think of each other let's remember that Love is the key and we shine and reflect God's image and likeness in each other. And now let us pray in place.


Dear God we lift each other to you and pray that everyone is doing well and if there is anything going on in their bodies, minds, and spirits that are causing them anxiety that you will help them release all these things. We pray this in confidence and knowledge of your love and care for us.

God we remember all of our family members who are lost, lonely, homeless, hungry and marginalized. Help us to be more loving toward them and never look down on them for they are precious in your sight.

God we pray for all family members who have been victims of disasters of any kind and pray for all those who mourn their loss.

We pray continually for all the political hot spots where people are denied of justice and human rights. Let justice roll down.

We pray for all those who are in the medical profession and especially those who will be involved in my surgery tomorrow. We pray for all those who are having surgery and procedures of any kind.

God we pray for__________________________

God we give thanks for family, love, and the gift of your son Jesus and especially_________________

God we celebrate __________________

God we remember all those who are dying and have died today especially________________

God we lay these our prayers before you knowing that you are already at work accomplishing these requests and we give you thanks for your goodness and loving kindness. All this we ask in Jesus' most holy name. Amen.


Well dear ones I LOVE YOU! GOD IS IN CONTROL! YOU ARE MY PRECIOUS TREASURES AND GIFTS FROM GOD! Do I need to convince you any more of this? I hope not. Have a wonderful evening! Here is how you can find out updates and send me messages while I'm hospitalized and on this new journey.  
Have no fear the blog is always going to be written! No Worries Mates!

Love, joy,peace and hope be yours,



Frank Sinatra Songs for Swingin' Lovers Album

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