Sunday, March 23, 2014

Giving your bodies the gift of rest and finding balance

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey,

Today I needed to begin banking energy  to be able meet this week's physical and emotional challenges! I opted to stay in and pray in place and give my body the gift of rest. It's not that difficult to do. I suggest that everyone take time to unplug and rest as a gift to you and others. I love to nap and napping loves me apparently. Giving your bodies the gift of rest is important. A number of our family members who are regular readers of this blog are over programmed and stressed out. In other words busy beyond belief! Since this is Sunday after all it is a day of Sabbath rest, resting is ok! Give your self permission to do this. I did and it was really helpful. I do not feel guilty about it at all and neither should you! I was reminded at church today from my parish family members that it is ok to reorder my priorities and become priority one for right now and that it's ok to cry and let it out. I love my parish family for giving me permission to rest and re-prioritize. 

Let's begin to take a look at the week ahead and see how we can find balance:

Today: What are the must do's for the coming week? Make a list! Are these items helping you to be balanced in body, mind, and spirit?
Monday: Remember that Monday is You Matter Monday! Can you give yourself some kind of gift of relaxation and renewal?
Tuesday: Take stock with your family and find ways to lessen the busy load so that you all can have family time together. Are all the activities you and your family doing absolutely necessary?
Wednesday: Begin to look toward the weekend and find ways to balance chores and fun! Refer to the blog on Fun for info.
Thursday : Begin to make sure tasks at work are completed and at home as well. 
Friday:  Can you have fun and family time or if you are single a time of fun with friends? 
Saturday: Self-care Saturday finding balance with chores and fun.
Sunday: Take time to rest, relaxations, and renewal of body, mind, and spirit.


*The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect
end. Amen

Lord God we thank you for times of rest and renewal. Help us to learn to lay down our burdens and go away for awhile for rest and prayer. May we model our lives after You and your Son Jesus who knew how to have balance.

*O Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows
lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is
hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done.
Then in thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest,
and peace at the last. Amen.

We pray for this night for________________
We give thanks to God for_______________
We celebrate with joy____________________
We remember all those who have died especially _________________ and we also pray for those who are mourning losses of loved ones. 

We offer our prayers, thanksgivings, celebrations , and remembrances to you this night and leave them there knowing that you are in control to comfort, heal, and lovingly care for your children. All this we ask in Jesus' name. Amen. 


I wish you all a good night and know that I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always!

With love and a mind at peace and a body at rest,


Relaxation music

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