Thursday, March 6, 2014

Walk With Me On Our Journey takes a Lenten Walk! Where is your place of Pilgrimage?

Dear Family of  Love and Pilgrims on our Journey and our special guests The Order of the Daughters of the King (R) who are Walking and Praying in the Light to Triennial,

I was asked to do a Lenten devotion for our online e- newsletter Cross- Links and decided to do  a mini- prayer walk for you both at the same time. Please follow the suggested steps as we walk together tonight. If you can't walk, I invite you do to a virtual prayer walk.

First we need to prepare ourselves physically. Are your laces secure? Do you have your house keys in your pocket?  Is your iPod or Mp3 ready? Pray and walk only as long as the length of the album you are going to play. Alternate your prayer walking days with silence and music. Are you wrapped in God's warm prayer coat? 

As you complete the above step, invite God on your prayer walk with you. Thank Him for being with you.. Inhale the crisp cool air and notice all that is good around you. Pay attention to all the smells, sounds, textures, pat a tree and  feel its texture. Give thanks to God for every tree that you see. Think of all the kinds of trees mentioned in the Bible. (The Cross, Jesse Tree, Cedars of  Lebanon, Oaks of Righteousness, Trees in the Garden of Eden etc.) Are you Zacchaeus or are you already walking with Jesus?

Begin thinking of those wonderful Lenten Gospel themes that we get to hear every year. Imagine yourself walking with Jesus and his disciples in the coming weeks. Take time each week to look at the Gospel readings so that you can have a road map. Think of all the roads mentioned in the Bible: ( The Way, Damascus, Jericho,  Via Dolorosa, Emmaus, On the Way to Jerusalem.) Think of all the roads and places where Pilgrims walk too: The Camino, Lourdes, Holy Land, Canterbury, Mecca, The Ganges, the Golden Temple, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bahai Gardens, The Vatican, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Machu Pichu, Rumi's Tomb, Bodi Tree, Iona, Walsingham,  and Stonehenge. Pray for the safety of all pilgrims and those who walk.  

Now begin to be mindfully aware of our family members who are out and about  and on your path. Pray for each of them and smile and don't forget to say "Hello!".

Begin your prayer list. No need to have it with you!  Try to have  hose whom you will be praying for already in your heart.  Many family members and concerns will pop up along the way.

Pray for the many concerns that you see along the walking route and take time to be observant and what God is bringing to your mind.

As you complete your walk take time to pray and give thanks to God  for allowing him to walking with you and  offer your prayers and thanksgivings to God.

Lord God We pray this evening for:
The Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, Syria, South Sudan, Nigeria, Uganda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Venezuela.
Our family members who are ill.
Sound government and leaders to show common sense.
The persecuted, bullied, victims of violence, abuse, and  hate crimes.
For times of Sabbath Rest with God and God's Cathedral of Life.
To be loving, compassionate, aware of  the least of these and sometimes the least of these are us.
We remember________________
We Celebrate________________
We Give thanks to God for__________________________
We pray for_______________________________

 I love you and Give thanks to God for you every day.

Love, joy, peace and a heart that is to the brim and overflowing with all things that are good.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"

— Marianne Williamson*"

"We all stand in need of healing. We are all seeking wholeness...We all know that unless we attend to our inner conflicts and contradictions, not only will we will find ourselves torn apart by our inner divisions, but we shall also very likely inflict wounds on those around us."

~ Esther de Waal 
Art: anam-cara-lynn

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