Monday, March 3, 2014

Our Journey Just Got Crazier!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey!

What at day this has been.....! No, I'm not singing a song from the musical Brigadoon. As many of you know I have been diagnosed with colon cancer. Yes Cancer, not the C word. I have been in a state of overwhelm with all of your good wishes, prayers, and offers of help that I have tears in my eyes and my heart feels tender. Today should have been You Matter Monday dedicated to you my dear family! YOU MATTER TO ME! I LOVE YOU AND ARE IN MY HEART TODAY AND ALWAYS! One should not have to have some kind of life crisis to find out how people feel about each other. Our goal for this season of Lent  and always should be a time of reconnection with all that is holy and each other. Daily Sabbath rest is essential. I will still be walking and praying as I always do. We may be walking earlier though. This illness is not going to change our pilgrimage, remember we are on God's journey not our own. This blog will have some new features as I go through the coming months that will include a piece called my Cancer Diary. If any of you have had cancer  please post a helpful hint in the comment section in this blog or on Walk With Me On Our Journey Page on FB. All that I ask is not to barrage us with non-fact checked materials. I had a friend and DOK sister call me and she was angry! I'm giving you an assignment, be angry for me and then let it go. God and I need and want you to be at your best and anger doesn't do that. Now let us pray for all the other concerns that have been shoved aside today with worry and concern.
I'm going to do this Malcolm Boyd Style.

Dear Papa God and family we have cancer,
Not in my body but in our community, the nation, and the world.
We pray for a worldwide chemo treatment of  love, mercy, justice, dignity and respect for all of our family members. That will heal us and make us whole.
 We need to radiate the world with light to see the goodness in all people. 
We need to excise hate, bullying, injustice, abuse, and all forms of negativity from our consciences and beings and unite us in love and familyhood.

Dear God we lay all of our collective and personal concerns and all those whom we now pray into you loving and gentle arms asking you to take each of these precious concerns and  heal and make whole. 

God I Give thanks for compassionate doctors, friends, clergy, family members and even the grocery workers who gave me hugs today. I know that you are doing amazing things in our lives and on this journey of ours. May we love, serve, and follow you where ever we are this day and always. Amen.

Cancer Diary Day 1
Bullet points

  • Diagnosed with colon cancer March 3 2014
  • New Doctors in my Future: Dr. Vara- Oncologist- Appointment tomorrow 9:00 a.m. Mission Hope Cancer Center
  • Dr. Oh - Surgeon A week from tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. Same location
  • Lots of Paperwork to fill out.
  • Overwhelmed by love, prayers, and best wishes. Question :why does it take something like this to make someone know that they are loved, appreciated, and that they matter?  This should be every day.


Well Dear Ones, I love you! I will be walking sometime tomorrow. Keep the Faith, Feel and show the love, and walk with me on our journey. The best is yet to come!

Love and still with a mind at peace,


1 comment:

  1. Very heartfelt. Love to you! Cancer is hard to understand. My father was diagnosed with liver cancer a little over a year ago. I can't imagine what you are going through but know people are thinking and praying for you and the recovery.
