Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bouncing back and praising God! Do you have bouncebackability ?

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Life's Journey Together

Wow! I have had more energy than I've had in a long time! I give thanks to God for this and for all of your prayers. I feel like Tigger in this picture:

Today I felt that I was bouncing back to what used to feel normal and I'm praising God for this. How do you bounce back or find resilience? Sometime it isn't easy and we all get discouraged when it isn't like an instant breakfast and snap of one's fingers. Resilience and bouncebackability(Sara's loony Dictionary here) has its roots in having faith, optimism, courage, and most especially love energy. Love is the force that helps us to be resilient and not fear anything. Many of our readers and family members struggle each day with some kind of situation that may lay them bare at the roots but they keep going strong. Let's always remember that also we have family members who are fragile and don't know how to be resilient and have fears, and live with many bad past tapes that keep rewinding back and telling them they are not worthy and unlovable. I challenge each and everyone of us to assure and reassure the least of these and all of our family members that they are loved, have more inner strength than they know they have, they matter, and most of all they are precious Children of God. It will take a lot of convincing but we all need to provide good moral, emotional, and loving support. Tonight let us be at prayer and pray for all of our family members who are feeling unsure and fragile. That can be us from time to time. 

God we pray this night for all of our family members who are feeling insecure and unloved.
God help us to show them that they are loved.

God we pray for our family members who are afraid of many things to be secure in your words' Be Not Afraid"
God Help us to live without fear but  with courageous spirits.

God we pray for all children who are led into gangs, bullying, violence, and all acts that rob them of their childhoods.
God may be be watchful and mindful of all your children and help them to find better ways of behaving and learn to be loving and compassionate.

God we pray for all who are suffering fatigue and don't know how to rest and relax. 
God help them find rest in you !

God we pray for all persons who are living with cancer and especially those receiving a diagnosis of cancer.
God we pray for a return to health for all who have cancer and that their bodies, minds, and spirits may be healed.

God we pray this night for all who are ill and have to work. We pray that laws may be enacted so that all ill people may be able to stay home and recover from their illnesses.

God we pray for courage to get up when we are knocked down or  thrown for a loop. 
Give us patience and resiliency.

God we pray for peace in this world and and end to violence, terror, war, injustice, and  that we all may be one and live in peace, love, and harmony with each other.

God we pray for equal and human rights around the world and help us always to remember that we are precious and equal in your sight.

We pray for all our family members who are afraid  to live as the beautifully authentic children  you have made them to be. Give us the courage to be who we are no matter what.

Loving God we thank you for this day and we pray for ourselves and those who have come to us with prayer requests. We add our prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations and offer them in the name of you beloved Son Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Loved ones and Dear family of Mine! I love you, you matter, and may you know that you are precious in God's sight for God made you, YOU! There is no one like you and there will never be another like you ! You are unique, lovable, beautiful, strong, courageous, and awesome!I'm blessed to call you family and pilgrims on our life's journey.

Love, blessings, peace, and joy be always yours,


Listen and enjoy!

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