Saturday, June 7, 2014

Resting, relaxing, renewing, all bodies need this daily

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a good day today. Today was a rest day for me and much needed. How many of you have taken time out for resting, relaxing, and renewing of your bodies, minds, and spirits today?  I hope all of you have and will do so this weekend. It helps with life balancing. My body after this past chemo treatment and Dad's memorial service has made me feel tired and needing more periods of rest and chilling!  It is truly amazing how important getting rest is to the recovery of body, mind, and spirit.  Tomorrow is a Sabbath day of rest for God and us. Please take time to do this along with unplugging and finding a quiet place to pray and giving yourself the gift of  peace and quiet. It isn't easy to adjust to the quietness of my house without Dad and that is  especially true in the evenings. I'm slowly adapting and it can and must be done. 
 Here are a few ways to unwind and unplug:

Turn off the TV, Cell phones, MP3 players, and all gadgetry.
Put your techie gadgets away, if you can before bedtime.
Take a nap.
Spend time in God's Cathedral of Life.
Challenge yourself to go without texting.
Take a walk without a Walkman and MP3 player.
Go on a hike.
Go on a silent retreat, walk the labyrinth, prayer walk.

Dear God may we make time to be with you in the silence of our hearts and minds.

Give us courage to take daily Sabbath rest for the renewal of our bodies minds and spirits.

May  we offer help to all caregivers  who need to be given respite and remember them in our prayers.

We pray for all those who do not allow themselves to be still and get rest.  Help all type A people to become rested, renewed, and refreshed so that they may be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

We pray this night for all those who work while we rest.

We pray for all of us who are battling chronic illnesses and diseases and need to give ourselves the gift of resting, relaxing, and renewing.

We pray for all those who have entrusted us to pray for them and all our family members who are in need of prayers and support.

God we pray for___________and continue to pray for____________

We remember all those who mourn and especially those who have died and are now in the Thin Places especially_______________________

We celebrate and pray for_____________________

We give thanks to God For ______________________

We pray for Peace on planet earth and in the hearts and minds of all those who lead nations. We pray for an end to violence, injustice, and inequality.

We pray for all those who feel isolated and unloved. We pray that all of us may look into each other's  eyes and see you O God and show love to our neighbor who is nearby, stranger, and enemy.

We pray that we may live authentic lives as who we really are, and that being authentic we may find rest and peace for our souls.

God we lift up these our prayers to you! Amen.


Good Night Dear Family, I love you ! I hope that for the next few days you will be resting, relaxing, and renewing of your bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Love, joy, prayers, Blessings, and in grateful thanksgiving to God for you this day and always,


Restful Music Mix

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