Sunday, September 13, 2015

A walk back into and onto holy ground and finding family waiting there with love in their hearts and warm and embracing arms. Sanctuary must be everywhere.

Dear Family of Love

Oh what a day! I have been up since 6:30 this morning in order to get ready to go and be the Lay Eucharistic Minister at the 8:00 a.m. service. It was a wonderful service this morning. Sam Johnson led us in a new conversation that was both thought provoking and empowering. We had a wonderful pastoral care meeting. Fast forward to this afternoon: I was invited to attend Grace Temple Missionary Baptist Church's Annual choir day at 3:30 p.m. This was the first time going back into the church after Steve's passing. I felt right at home and got to see many family members: Bessie Sims-Johnson​ Bettye Sutton​, Genie Toran​ and Carolyn Tyler-Robinson​ and many others. The service was wonderful and the music made my spirit soar. I kept having the sense that Steve was present and that he was wearing his gold shirt and black suit. Afterwards there was a wonderful dinner and I really enjoyed visiting with my family members. Pastor and Sister Wiley greeted me warmly and Pastor reminded me that "Remember you are welcome any time, remember you are family now! " This truly is what we are all about as Christians. After my time at Grace Temple, I made my way over to Jon Lyra​ and Judith Grames Lyra​'s home to see if they were there! They were. I think this was the first visit without Steve and it was great to see both of them and their two adorable dogs. Lots of emotions and memories flooding back. I had a nice visit with Jon and Judith was painting. I was glad to see them in 3D and not on Skype or FB. Following my visit with them I drove past Guadalupe Hardware in Lompoc. Not sure where the store is located. The final stop on my way out of town was to pay a visit at Steve's old place Rainbow Plaza to see how it felt to walk around the grounds. Lots of memories too. 

 I can't believe that 3 years have passed and yet the one thing that remains is the Love of family brought to you by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. If we begin to think about the old praise song The Lord is Present In His Sanctuary- John Michael Talbot we might realize that everywhere we are ,God that is Sanctuary. We must treat our homes, hospitals, churches, restaurants, parks, beaches, libraries and our heart homes as sanctuaries. We also must make these sanctuaries havens of  healing and wholeness. We must make these places havens of safety. We must strive to make our world ,one where the red door is the symbol and entryway into sanctuary because where we live, move, and just be is holy ground. Our Family members are holy people because God made them that way. Everything God made is Good. Our challenge this week is to not post incendiary things on Facebook or Twitter. See every person in a post as a beloved child of God and someone's child.  Today I took a walk back into and onto holy ground finding family waiting  with love in their hearts and open arms. I found out that Sanctuary is everywhere and must be everywhere. Let us meditate and ponder how we ourselves can be places of sanctuary and healing. If we can do this then we are well on our way to be peace makers and being the best version of the Bible a person has ever read. Isn't that Good News?

Let us take time to sit in quiet solitude and go deeper and meet God in your Soul's Sanctuary!


Let us all remember that we all need to be like the little children who approached Jesus and he accepted them with open arms. May we all welcome all of our family and friends who are also family with loving, compassionate, and warm loving arms. I wish that I could give each of you a warm and loving embrace of welcome!

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend*. we pray for unity this night and may we never forget that we are to love our friends just as we love you.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend we pray for all  who  haven't felt the strong and loving bond of  friendship.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend we pray for all who are in danger, homeless, hungry, the least of these, refugees, prisoners, captives, and all troops who are currently at war. May we learn that we are to lay down our swords and spears so  that wars may cease. 

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for all of those who are suffering mental illness and do not have loving and supporting friends to care and comfort them.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, We pray for the healing of all who are ill and are recovering from surgery or are hospitalized, May we find it in our hearts to step up as good and faithful friends and visit and comfort them. We pray that they may offer help to their friends when they need it.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, may we all learn to be accepting and inclusive of all of our family members who may differ from us in any way. May we learn to love with out limits and conditions. 

Jesus, our Loving and Compassionate Friend, Help us to make friends with our enemies and the unlovable. Give us the courage to do this and become peacemakers to your broken and fragile world.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, hold our hands and walk with us on our journey of life and where ever God leads us. 

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend. We give thanks for all the wonderful memories we share with our family and friends. May we all become keepers of the lore.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for_________________________

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend we Give thanks for_________________________

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend we pray these our prayers and thanksgivings to you In Your Most Holy Name Amen.

* You may replace with your own name for God as you wish. 


Good Night Dear and Blessed ones! I love you and find sanctuary with you and God everyday. I give thanks to God for you this day and always. Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! You Matter daily. 

With love, peace, and deep gratitude that you are my family,


Spirituals in Concert

The Lord is Present in His Sanctuary - By Gail Cole


The Lord is present in His sanctuary
Let us praise the Lord.
The Lord is present in His people gathered here,
Let us praise the Lord.
Praise Him, praise Him let us praise the Lord.
Praise Him, praise Him let us praise Jesus.

The Lord is present in His sanctuary
Let us sing to the Lord.
The Lord is present in His people gathered here,
Let us sing to the Lord.
Sing to Him, sing to Him let us sing to the Lord.
Sing to Him, sing to Him let us sing to Jesus.

The Lord is present in His sanctuary
Let us serve the Lord.
The Lord is present in His people gathered here,
Let us serve the Lord.
Serve Him, serve Him, let us serve the Lord.
Serve Him, serve Him let us serve Jesus.

The Lord is present in His sanctuary
Let us love the Lord.
The Lord is present in His people gathered here,
Let us love the Lord.
Love Him, love Him, let us love the Lord.
Love Him, love Him, let us love Jesus.

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