Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Interconnected Living! We all matter together!

Dear Family of Love!

I hope you all have had a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday. I have had my moments today. It isn't easy having to experience hot weather when you are a recovering cancer patient and diabetic. I have discovered many things in the past few days relating to my blood pressure, fatigue, and and yes what being dehydrated does to one's body, mind, and spirit.  Yes dear family, I have my own drought going on. I'm having to go back and keep up the practice of being reacquainted with drinking! Not that kind of drinking! Water and fluids that aren't sugary are the order of the day. There are all kinds of droughts that we as human beings experience. We experience physical, mental, spiritual, and yes social droughts. These periods often are not so subtle reminders that we all need to take better care of ourselves! I know this is going to be difficult but this gets down to the heart of the matter and why everything we do for God, God's Cathedral of Life,  Our Family Members, and ultimately ourselves are interconnected. Everything. Interconnected living is what we all must strive for and yest that means getting back to basics and 
loving the unlovable
feeding the hungry
giving drink to the thirsty, yes that even means ourselves,
sheltering the stranger or homeless family member.
 clothing the naked
caring and loving the ill
taking the shroud off our invisible and marginalized family members.
conserving water, electricity, gas, and plastics. Recycle
providing wound care to the injured
 caring for all creatures great and small
welcoming all and our family members whom we haven't met yet.
being good stewards of the environment
recognizing that any person at any time may become a refugee
respecting everyone and I know it is very hard to love our enemies
showing love, mercy, gratitude, and  kindness at every turn
showing the light of God to the world
thinking in the key of Jesus
thinking before posting and tweeting
a smile often will go the extra mile to  be an ice breaker.
Add your own to this list and realize that we who practice interconnected living, all matter and are precious to God. 

Let us meditate upon the above list and see how this can draw us more deeply into our relationship with God, our family members, and each other. 

Here is our musical interlude to prepare us for prayer: 
The Summons- Jon Bell

God when you created the universe you wove us into being and yet we seem to forget this many times over. May we return to the sense of being truly interconnected and living holy lives. 

God when you created the planet we call our Earthly Home we forgot that we are all made in your image and likeness and in love. We pray that we may return and become loving towards one another and see you in all living things and in our family member's eyes.

God we pray for an end to all the droughts remembering our mental, spiritual, physical, and those that affect the land.

God we pray that we may remember to take care of our bodies and give them proper hydration, food, and sustenance . We pray that this may be extended to all living beings and each other. 

God we pray for all of our family members who may be experiencing spiritual droughts that their hearts,minds, and spirits may be reawakened.

God we pray for peace in our minds and hearts that we may practice peace not only in our lives but in the world. We pray that we may be peace makers, love givers, joy bringers, and hope bearers!

God we pray and remember our family members who are ill, grieving, and in need of love and prayers.

God Help us to accept these periods of drought as a sign of our dependence and interdependence upon you and each other. Help us to know that it is ok to walk and live through these periods of drought and that every step we make through these drought ridden paths are holy ones too. 

Accept these our prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Here is  TAH's Latest Blog!

Your weekly Nooma Video: Rob Bell Nooma - Rain


Good Night Dear and Loving Family! I love you! Take time to know that we all matter together and that God is always with us no matter what. Tonight I want us to feel that our spirits are enlivened, our steps are quickened, our hearts and heart homes are being expanded, and that yes even through periods of drought The Waters of Life are still coursing through our veins. Have a blessed night and don't forget tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday!

With love and blessings!


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