Saturday, September 26, 2015

Why my faith matters to me! Why does your faith matter to you?

Dear Family of God and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Self-Care Saturday as part of our Self and Sabbath Care Weekend.
With Pope Francis' visit to this country of ours I got to thinking about many things. The one thing that rolled around in my mind was why my faith matters to me. Why does it matter to me? My answers may be a bit simple but here is what I came up with. As a little child growing up  I was not aware until kindergarten, that I had many physical and learning disabilities I struggled with  a brain that was on hyper-drive that wouldn't allow me to learn at the correct pace, small motor deficiencies that made me awkward and not able to write well, tie my shoes, manipulate objects like hold a pencil, color crayon etc. I couldn't write the normal way children do until I entered special education and I had to dictate stories until my motor skills were stronger. I learned how to write with the use of a clay filled stationary box and an old pen. I had exercises that made me etch the word or letter in the box so that each action would send the messages to my brain and eventually I could write as normal people do. From kindergarten up until high school. I struggled with being bullied and also having to cope with my self-esteem being damaged.During that long period of time I came to know about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and my church family that helped me grow into be the person I am today. Relying and having a relationship with God is essential for my life and ministry. Faith matters to me greatly. It has gotten me out of many bad places and given me the tools to use the bad aspects of being a special needs child. The many names that I have been called from "Fag", "Ugly", "Retardo", "Jap", and "Mongoloid" etc have become ingredients from which I draw upon when I think of what our family on the margins face daily.  Faith matters to me because it is the only steady relationship I have. Faith matters to me when I'm alone and I don't have any one to console me and be there as a physical presence. Faith matters to me so that I may convey to others that they matter. Faith matters to me so that I may love each one of you dear ones unconditionally with joy, hope , and peace.  Faith matters to me so that I may shine God's light to a fragile and broken world. Faith matters to me because without it I wouldn't be writing this to you!  That is why faith matters to me. Why does your faith matter to you? This is your question to ponder  and meditate  upon tonight in the night watches or tomorrow! I love you!

Let us be at prayer: 

Gracious God we come before you tonight to lay down our bodies, minds, and spirits so that we may rest, relax, and renew. 

We pray for the intentions of many especially those whom we have been asked to pray__________.

We pray for all who are struggling and in need.

We pray for all who raise money for the many important causes of the day. You may add any charity or social service agency in need of prayer.

We pray for all those who are living in the many war torn areas of the world. We pray for an end to violence and terror and we pray unceasingly for peace.

We pray for all refugees who are homeless and pray that they may return safely home.

We pray for rain and sensible weather.

We pray especially for our family members throughout the world. 

We pray that we may practice conservation and that we may help renew God's Cathedral of Life.

We give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy especially___________
We  pray for those who are dying and have died today that they had a loving and peaceful journey to the Thin Places.

We pray for all who mourn and that they may be comforted and that as they grieve they may have loving support systems.

We pray that we may all may be loving, giving, and compassionate family members  to all and not some. 

We lift up these our prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Loved Ones! I love you and may you have a gentle and refreshing rest and evening. Still take time for self-care and Sabbath-Care.  I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

Love, joy, and Blessings!


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