Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's 9/11 eve again and we still have a lot to learn.

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! It is September 10, 2015 and we are yet again taking the time to remember the events of 9/11. We have journeyed long and grief still is present and yet  we haven't learned to lessons of unity that we were on our way in mastering. We haven't learned to see everyone as our brothers and sisters. We haven't learned to give of ourselves and welcome the stranger. We haven't learned that war is not the answer We haven't learned that being God's family member requires us to step up and be counted to help heal God's fragile and broken world. We haven't learned to stop being bigoted, selfish, and hateful. We may not be all those things in the statements above but we can be at times. We are not immune to find ourselves in a place where we become harsh and unloving ourselves. We must strive to be minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year to continue to do better and seek to love and follow the  good example of the Good Shepherd. Here is tonight's and tomorrow's pledge that we all must take and pray each day not just on the eve of 9/11 or the day of 9/11.

We pledge this night that we will cease to participate in all actions that will hurt and harm.
We pledge this night that we will love all of our family members without fear or condition.
We pledge that we will seek to make peace in this fragile and broken world. 
We pledge that we ill educate ourselves more fully on faith communities that are unfamiliar.
We pledge that we will pray daily for all who are in harms way.
We pledge to help all refugees, the strangers, victims of human trafficking, abuse, and all children who are precious and made in God's Image and likeness.
We pledge to remember all of our family members who lost their lives on 9/11 and their family members who continue to grieve. 

All that I ask from you tomorrow is that we take time to remember in our private ways. This isn't a time for all out patriotism  it is a time for unity among nations and all of our family members. We also must keep the families of the terrorists in prayer too they mourn as we do. 

Here are the prayers from last year's blog on 9/11 eve. 

First listen to this: Psalm 23- Bobby McFerrin

Gracious Spirit, we come to you with heavy hearts in need of healing. We offer our tender beings to you for the healing of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Gracious Spirit we pray this night for and end to bullying and persecution of our LGBTQ youth and adults who are not lovingly accepted in our family May we love them and make for them a soft place in which to fall.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for an end to domestic violence and abuse of men, women and children that all those who have been affected this way may find necessary help and safe shelter,

Gracious Spirit, we pray for our family members who are lonely, homeless, and hungry. May they find compassionate company, safe lodging, and be feed with good food.

Gracious Spirit, protect all of our immigrants, refugees,prisoners, captives, that they may receive necessary care, justice, secure shelters, be led to freedom and liberty. 

Gracious Spirit we pray that we may be good stewards of God's Cathedral of  Life and protect the land that God has given us.  May we conserve and learn to live simply out of Gods's abundance.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for rain in the drought parched areas of the world and for our family members who are affected by severe weather.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for all those who are suffering from mental illness and depression and especially our family members who are feeling low in mind, spirit, and energy. Heal them and may they know that they are loved, precious, and accepted fully into God's Family.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all of our family members who lost their lives on 9/11 and we remember those who continue to mourn their loss. 

Gracious Spirit, we pray for our family members who may be contemplating taking their own lives may they courageously ask for help and feel your encircling love around them.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for our family members who are suffering from Ebola, the respiratory viruses, A.I.D.S. and any other illnesses that are life threatening.

Gracious Spirit, heal and console all of our family members who have Cancer, Diabetes, and all autoimmune, and chronic illnesses. We pray for their caregivers.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for an end to terror our prayers may rise for our President, Congress, and Troops, as they face the days ahead.  May we knit a prayer circle  of  love  around our country  where we may sew seeds of love, hope, joy,justice, peace, acceptance,and mercy, and that hate, bigotry, and division may cease. May we all be one!

Gracious Spirit, may we add our prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations for ourselves and on behalf of others at this time. 

Gracious Spirit we lift up our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family. I love you. Use tomorrow as a time for reflection as we Keep the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting.  I give God thanks for you this night and always. Don't forget to do your gratitude jar tonight. Be thoughtful, be thankful, be loving, be joyful, just be. 

With love,


P.S. Here is the link to last year's blog: Heavy Hearts in Need of Healing

Here is TAH's most recent blog: Apollonia32

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