Sunday, September 27, 2015

You'll never know how fast God is going to need you! So be ready!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

Yikes! I was awakened by a phone call from church this morning telling me that the alarm had gone off and did I have a certain security code that the the security firm needed to reset the alarm. As one who was on the alarm list I hadn't had to use it for years! This was quite alarming no pun intended. I had debated whether to go to the 8:00 a.m. service and went back to sleep until the twinkle ringtone of the phone summoned me. I quickly got dressed and made my way down to church which is only a little over a mile away from home and this time I was relieved that I didn't live in a big city with lots of traffic. I got to church and the Gospel was being read. No worries! I was where I was meant to be! God is always in the surprise business. God is the the Surprise business!  I'm finding more and more that where God is leading me isn't quite what I thought was going to be in the script. Writing this blog and dialing in with you my dear family is one of them. This may seem like an early Advent message but it really rings true, we will never know how fast God is going to need us! So we must be ready! We must have our lamps filled with oil and be ready to receive God's daily messages and calls to action and love. Love Energy is what God uses to empower us to do God's bidding! How we choose to respond is entirely up to us! Don't forget we all have been given the gift of "Free Will" so saying  yes or no to God is our choice. How we choose depends entirely upon how solid our relationship is with God. We can still be a little weak in our relationship with God and still respond to God's call and urging. The more we respond the stronger our response and faith become. It takes practice to say Yes to God and a lot of holy listening and going deeper into the center where God dwells in our uniquely fashioned heart homes. We don't all have to be like Pope Francis, Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Phyllis Tickle, Desmond Tutu, Bishop Gene Robinson, etc to be spiritually centered and empowered servants of God. Remember God gives you a uniquely fashioned set of gifts that only you possess. They are yours and God is expecting you to respond and use them with love and Love Energy. Last evening I spoke about my learning disabilities and physical glitches and how God has made me see them as a force for God and good in the world to be able to connect with our family members on the margins and know how they feel when sometimes they are on the outside looking in. We all must take a look into our heart homes and see what glitches God has given us that can be made into something that we can use for God and to God's Glory.  Don't be limited into thinking that you can't do as the community organizing groups taught me: Push a negative hard enough and it will become a positive and to go in stupid and come out smart. So dear family are you ready to respond with Love Energy Galore at a moment's notice? I hope so ! You just never know when God is Calling you! 
I don't know if this is how it will be: IOS 7 Ringtones Just keep listening and going deeper. 

 I think it is time for our Mindfulness 5+ and breathing exercises, to help us relax and complete our Self and Sabbath Care Weekend. Let's spend some time in the presence of the holy. 

Say this phrase "Be not afraid!"

Say this phrase "Be still and Know that I am God"

Say this phrase: "Peace be still"

Say this phrase: "Be Still and Know that I am God!"

Say this phrase: "Be not afraid"

Now pause and ask God to help you go deeper into the center of your inner being and pray that your souls may be enlightened with the Light of God so that they may spread Love, joy, hope, and peace in God's Kingdom where there is Kinship as part of  God's Kindom ! Yes Kindom! 

Let us pray;

God of all creation we come to you this night in the silence of our beings to be at one with you!

God of all creation we come to you at this present moment ready to respond to your call and the new life paths and vocations you have set our feet and lives upon. Give us courage to say "yes" with LoveEnergy and being empowered by the Holy Spirit into positive acts of love, kindness, justice, unity for all of our family members. 

God of all creation we come to offer our prayers and thanksgivings for ourselves and on behalf of others. We pray and give thanks especially for_____________________________________

God of all creation bind us into one family of love and that all of  our divisions may cease  with all living things and all that you have made.

God of all creation  take away all hatred from all of our family members who wish harm to our brothers and sisters who are most vulnerable and feeling unsafe, unwanted, and unloved.

God of all creation, bring to all drought parched areas of  the world much needed rain showers that will cleanse and heal your Cathedral of Life.

God of all creation, we pray for all of your children who are near death and have made the journey into The Thin Places to be with you in your eternal home of peace and joy.

God of all creation, may our hearts blossom with love for all living things and that we may practice conservation.

God of all creation, may we be compassionate, giving, and comforting towards all who are ill, in need, homeless, hungry, and in mourning May we help our brothers and sisters lay down and share their burdens no matter how light or heavy. For you taught us to share and give of ourselves.

God of all creation, may we continue to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you with light footsteps upon this fragile and broken world.  May we with your help speak truth to power and never forget that we are to be your voice and that we must speak for our voiceless and fearful family members.

God of all creation, protect and let peace prevail in our own country, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Gaza,, Africa, and all other places in this world. and may we never forget the refugees, persecuted, and all of our family members who have lost their lives by acts of violence and terror. 

God of all creation, we lay down our bodies, minds, and spirits and take our rest and lift these our prayers and thanksgivings in the name of your only begotten Son Jesus the Christ our Redeemer, Healer, and Voice for all the voiceless. Amen.

Good Night Family! I love you ! Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! Give yourself some slack and and remember that You matter to God and to me as well. Take good care throughout the hours of the night and may you wake refreshed and renewed. 

With love, prayers, and blessings and in thanksgiving for you this night and always,


David Lanz -Return to the Heart

Porcelain - Helen Jane Long

Ludovico Einaudi

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