Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bridge Week: Building Bridges in Our Community and the World

Dear Family of Love, 

Happy Take Care Tuesday! I hope you are taking care of  yourselves so that you can take care of others. Today it is Day 2 of Bridge Week. Our task(s) during bridge week is to learn to build bridges with one another and the world. This is very similar to what we did during Love Challenge Week. Building bridges requires us to check our egos at the door and love others unconditionally. This week's keywords and concepts have to do with bridge building among people:

Seeing God in each other
Unconditional Love and acceptance
Common Ground
Meeting Halfway
Listening Hearts and Ears
Learning from each other
Walking United
Letting Go of our agendas

These are our Ponder Work for the Week!  Take a keyword and concept and meditate upon it. You may do these in order or choose one that you want to meditate upon. Don''t forget keep Journaling your Journey.

Tonight our task in bridge building is to see God in each other. This isn't easy when we have the various persons we see in the news each and every day. I would suggest we start by looking in the mirror and span out from where we are to our families. Think of the ripples in the pond or the bridge spans. Start from the other side of the bridge and start crossing the foot bridge and look at each person you meet and see God in each face. Smile, say "Hello!', Be kind, Pray for them in your heart, take time to show them that you love them by your actions. 

Don't forget to take your bridge building tool kit from yesterday you may need it when you cross the bridge.

In order to build bridges we also need to have these tools at the ready:

Gratitude for the gifts our family members bring to the table
Common ground
A willingness to not travel down a negative pathway.
A willingness to change our attitudes that keep us from being united.
A heart home that is ever expanding and going deeper.
A pair of well tuned listening ears and a mouth that is able to be silent and not talk over people.
Arms that are ready to embrace and welcome.
Feet that are ready to run and help when our family members are in crisis.
Hands that are willing to soothe, comfort, serve, and grasp our brother's and sister's hands.
Eyes that are able to see and reflect God.
A voice that is comforting and reassuring.
A smile to radiate God's Light and Love to the world.
Courage to meet our family members half way.
Courage to lay aside our preconceived thoughts about our family members.
The ability to respect the dignity of every human and living being.
Strength to be able to go against society's norms when necessary.
To boldly Go where Jesus is sending us! 
To join in the Jesus Movement or if you aren't Christian, The  Movement of Love and Justice and CALM. 
The courage to tear down walls that divide us

Following  this virtual meditation, let us engage in our adapted "Be Stills"

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that God is Love.
Be still and know that You are Love.
Be sill and know that I Am Love.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Slowly inhale.
Slowly exhale

Pause. Count to 10.

Happy Take Care Tuesday! It is time for our daily Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils. Tonight Let us pray for our country that there will be an end to the terrible divisiveness ,hatred, and extremism that is affecting it. We pray that we may once again find common ground and a return of common decency. We continue to pray that we become bridge builders and peacemakers. We pray that we my be united as one family in CALM (Compassion, acceptance, Love, and mercy) Purpose, for the good and benefit of all. We pray that we may acknowledge our dependence upon each other and every living thing and that we may practice conservation of God's Cathedral of life. 

Tonight let us love one another and extend our arms of love to one another and our hands in friendship. We are truly family and sacred beings made in the image and likeness of God. Every day is sacred even when we don't feel like it is!  So in the silence of tonight's meditation may we pledge to ourselves and one another that we are family, we love one another, accept each other where we are and who we are, and that we will never hate or harm each other in any way.  Tonight and if you are reading this tomorrow, I'm issuing a call for all of us to be the holy and loving children of God.

Let us continue to be at prayer.

God is Love and Love is God, may we love you with a gentle and  childlike spirit.

God is Love and Love is God, may we love our family members with a loving heart and a welcoming heart home.

God is Love and Love is God, may we learn to love ourselves and treat ourselves with gentleness and without shame.

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for all who are ill and in any distress of body, mind, and spirit.

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for peace in this fragile and broken world. 

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for all refugees, captives, victims of terror,violence, abuse, and human trafficking.

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for all who are being persecuted by virtue of their sexuality and gender. May they be afforded all human rights and acceptance.

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for all who are mourning and who are pre-grieving. 

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for all who are dying and who have died may they enjoy with joy their new mansion fit for them and in the Thin Places.

God is Love and Love is God, we pray for__________________________

God is Love and Love is God , we give thanks for_______________________

God is Love and Love is God, we life up these our prayers in the Name of Jesus who is Love incarnate. Amen.


Good night dear Family ! I love you! I give thanks to God for you and all that you are, do, and who you are becoming. On this the first day of March, 2016 I pledge to myself and you that we are family,that I love you all, I accept each of you where you and as you are, and that I will never hate or harm you in any way. I promise to be loving, faithful, caring, compassionate, and have your backs and will always be here for you when you need me. I pledge also to be CALM (compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful) to all of God's children and beings wherever they may be and that includes our enemies, those who hate, and seek to divide and not unite.These are my promises to you. I give God thanks to you always!

With love and prayers and steadfast devotion to you,


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