Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What we know for sure after 1000 posts, even during Holy Week.

Dear Family of Love,

This is our 1000th edition of Walk With Me On Our Journey. Today we celebrate in the midst of Holy Week because we have been together as a family for quite awhile. A few things we have come to know in these past few months and years and here they are;

We know how to Love God, Our Neighbors/Family Members, and ourselves.
We know that we aren't let of the hook and must care for the least of these.
We know what it means to be a family, we share each other's ups and downs and all arounds.
We know what it means to go the distance with a disease and win.
We know how we are to love each other and be CALM (Compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful). 
We know how to take time and pray, think, and expand our minds and hearts, and heart homes every day. 
We know how to keep our eyes and mind focused on what is important and what is not.
We know that we must stand against violence, fear, bigotry, and hate.

Today as we stand together in the middle of the bridge that we have built in the midst of Holy Week we must keep a few things in mind. We must continue to build bridges and tear down walls that seek only to separate and divide. We should keep this quote in  mind," Walls turned sideways are bridges."
ANGELA DAVIS . So what does this mean for us in the middle of Holy Week? I think and know it means that we still have quite a bit of work to do. Just because we know these things it may not mean we have gotten all of this down to a T. We still must work on our walk together. Remember dear ones practice makes perfect.  Tonight we begin with our "Be Stills" before we enter into our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils. 

Tonight we will use our Classic Be Stills!

Be Still and Know that I am God.
Be Still and Know.
Be Still.

Repeat as long as it takes for you to become contemplative and ready to enter into our time of prayer.

Let us light our candles and be at prayer for peace in our minds, hearts, spirits, and the fragile and broken world in which we live, move, and just be. We continue to pray for the people of Brussels and Belgium as they mourn and grapple with the latest incident of terror. Let us continue to seek to be bridge builders and be a united family, nation, and the world.  We pray for the courage to stand up and speak for the voiceless ones who cannot or do not have the courage to speak out for themselves.
We pray for the families of our enemies who may not share the same viewpoints as their loved ones who are driven to commit these acts of hate, terror,and violence. We pray that we may be agents of CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy) so that we may affect positive and life giving change in the world. We pray that we all may become peacemakers and reconcilers that know that the only way to affect change is to practice non-violent and peaceful protests when we are called to do so. We pray for peace. Let us in the words of the prophet Micah: "Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God."  Let our family  say, and pray Amen.  

We continue to pray with these prayers.

Music for silent contemplation and prayer  Taize - O Lord Hear My Prayer ( Full Album)

Loving and gracious God, we  pray for peace in the world and that we may become peace makers and Children of God.

Gentle and compassionate God, we pray and  remember all those who have died and those who are mourning.

Holy God, help us to  remember and pray that we may always acknowledge the sacredness of life and that each day is holy.

Loving and creator God, we  pray for children that they may be protected from harm.

God of many names we  pray for strong bonds of love and friendship may grow among all faith communities.

God  we pray for peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits as we prepare for the coming days of Holy Week when we follow Jesus into Jerusalem, the Upper room, the foot of the Cross, and on Easter Morning at the entry of the Empty Tomb,

God of Health and healing, we  pray for all those who are ill and those who are in need of healing.  May we remember especially this night___________

God who loves us and includes us all we pray for all the least of these and that we may lovingly respond to their needs. Help us always to remember they are our family members too.

Loving God we lift these our prayers in the Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always!  We will have a big celebration soon! Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday the day that Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday was founded upon. Let us take time to be thoughtful and thankful for all that God has given us. 

With love, prayers, peace, and blessings, 


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