Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter Dear Ones!

Good Evening Dear Family of Love!

 Alleluia ! The Lord is Risen!
The Lord is Risen Indeed Alleluia!

A Blessed Easter to all! I know  everyone must be spent from Lent, Holy Week, and today. That's normal especially with the journey we have just taken. I hope everyone had time to spend time in some kind of worship space today. If you didn't and you found yourselves with your family and friends that counts too. We forget from time to time where family is that is a place for worship. Breaking bread, sharing stories, being thoughtful, rejoicing together, and loving one another does equal worship in my book. It may not look like a church building but when you think of the early church they didn't have all the bells and whistles either. It was a time of simple reverence where families spent time together. So we are in a worship space here too. I hope that you all were able to get enough rest last evening and awaken renewed to start anew on this glorious Easter Day. If not let us take time to do a short period of "Be Stills" and the usual  things that we usually do. 

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know.
Be still. 

Repeat until you feel relaxed and ready for our virtual candlelight prayer vigils. 

Let us light our candles and be at prayer. Tonight we pray for the peace of the world and especially the victims of the terrorist acts in Lahore , Pakistan. We pray for the families who lost loved ones and friends. We pray for and  end to violence and terror of all kinds and that our family members who are driven to commit these terrible acts may learn that this isn't the way to live or treat others. Help us to continue to love God, love our neighbors, and ourselves. We pray for all who are actively involved in making peace and striving for justice and universal human rights of others. We pray that we may be CALM (compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful) Help us we pray to take time for our physical, spiritual, and mental health. We give thanks O God for the gift of your son as our savior and redeemer and brother. We give thanks to Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and the love model he continues to show us daily.Let us remember this tonight: The Light of Christ In Me recognizes the Light of Christ in you! Amen.

Prayers for Easter!

Jesus we give thanks for your rising from the dead and redeeming us from sin, fear, and invisibility.

Jesus we give thanks for the women in your life who bore witness to your resurrection and thereby gave us a place in ministry with you.

Jesus we give thanks for your institution of the Holy Eucharist and making us aware of who you truly are in the breaking of the bread and in fellowship with one another.

Jesus we give thanks for your acceptance of all of us and including us on your journey with you.

Jesus we give thanks for your healing power everyday that we live move, and have our being. 

Jesus we give thanks for you who came down from heaven to be among us and live as we are from babyhood and until your resurrection.

Jesus we pray for all who are in need of healing now, be with them and may they feel your love and give them courage.

Jesus we pray for all clergy and lay ministers who are in need of rest after this Lenten, Holy Week and  Easter day.

Jesus we pray for all who mourn any kind of loss that they may feel your comforting hands upon them.

Jesus, we pray for all who are dying and those who have died and entered into the Thin  Places.

Jesus, we pray for sound government. and that divisions may cease.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for this night all that is on our hearts minds and we pray especially for those who have asked us for our prayers.

Jesus , receive these our prayers in your name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Take care and let God's presence enfold you this night and always! Tomorrow is Easter Monday and we get to take a walk and feel Jesus on the Road to Emmaus. Remember also tomorrow is You Matter Monday! You matter to Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, All of us, and Me! I hope you matter to you!

With love and blessings for a wonderful Easter Season!


A Few Pix from today!

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