Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bridge Week Continues - Finding Common Ground as brothers and sisters in the family of the God who is Love!

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. We continue our bridge building this week and that is what we are called to do. This week we are finding many ways in which to do this but the most important way we should be doing this is finding common ground. The title of this blog albeit it is lengthy: Bridge Week Continues - Finding Common Ground as brothers and sisters in the family of God who is Love!, says it all and there doesn't seem any reason to go further or does it? I think and know that we must go further because finding common ground isn't the easiest thing to do. Where do we find this common ground? Is it where we live? Is it in our similarities? Does this mean we must all look, talk, think, and believe the same thing to find common ground? Are we called to be Stepford Children in whatever faith community, political party, and social group we belong to just to fit in so that we may have common ground? No! We must find similarities in diversity.  Definition of Stepford  Take time to ponder the above questions and then look below to the similarities. 

Here is what finding common ground looks like to me:

Do we eat, sleep, drink, breathe, wear clothing?
Do we have a body equipped with a mind and a spirit?
Do we have people who love us? Do we love them?
Do we have a faith community that we belong to.
Do we have listening ears and ever widening heart homes?

These are the places in which to start. 

Here is a Recipe for Loving our Family Members!

First do you love God? If you do you have it made.
Second do you love your Neighbor/Family member who is close to you? This includes your enemies, haters, and those who you don't get along with,If you do You have it made.

Thirdly do you love your self? If you do, you have it made.

Now you and we have all the main ingredients!

Next stir all the things that make us human that we all have in common. 

Add compassion, giving, mercy, unconditional love and acceptance.

Sift together all the dry ingredients in our hearts and minds to get rid of hidden or exposed bad chunks such as hate, anger, division. They will be left in the sifter so that they may be thrown away. They are not needed in this world or in our Love Cake. 

Add the wet ingredients which are tears of joy, the Waters of life, and the waters Jesus used to wash the disciples' feet that changed as in the words of Facebook their relationship status to Friends not teacher. 

Lightly and lovingly fold these things together peacefully and gently, and place them in a pan and bake until done. Some of us will be more ready to love unconditionally more quickly than others. It takes work and an expanding heart and heart home to do this. 

This may be simplistic but we all must do it.  Frost the cake with your favorite icing! 

Enjoy the sweet taste of Love,compassion, joy, mercy, unity, and  God's goodness!


Now let us be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) and engage in the "Be Stills" 

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know.
Be still,

Slowly inhale.
Slowly exhale

Pause. Count to 10.
Repeat 4 times.

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. Let us prepare for our daily Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils by taking time in the silence of our hearts and inner beings to give thanks for all that God has given us this day and put on the garment of gratitude. Let us light our candles and be at prayer. This night we pray for all of our family members who are preparing to find shelter in the upcoming storms. We pray for all those who are homeless, hungry, and without sufficient clothing. We pray that we may everyday see God in the faces of everyone we meet. We pray and give thanks for the rich diversity of our family members and all of God's Cathedral of Life. We pray that we may respect the dignity of every human and living being. We give thanks to God for making us and making us one family who look the same at the soul level and that is radiant with love energy. 

                                    God, Open Wide ..... As we Pray!

God open wide the hearts of  our family members and sometimes ourselves who have closed hearts, minds, and spirits.

God open wide the arms of our family members  and all of us to be welcoming and loving to all.

God open wide the hearts and minds of all our family members who are leaders of the nations who are at war with their own people. We pray that their minds, hearts, and a willingness to make peace may be fostered and that peace may prevail upon earth.

God open wide the arms of our family members to become gracious, kind, and loving caregivers.

God open wide the hearts of our family members and us that we may seek, serve, and love the least of these.

God open wide our minds so that we may learn from and appreciate the diversity in this your Human Family and as the Family of God.

God open wide our arms so that we may care for the ill, the lost, the lonely, the afraid, and the marginalized.

God open wide our arms and hands that we may comfort and soothe the dying, lovingly  hold those in pre-grieving, embrace with holy compassion those who are in mourning.

God open wide our hands that we may be good  stewards of  your Cathedral of Life.

God open wide our hearts as we pray for__________________

God open wide our hearts as we lift up our thanksgivings for______________

Accept these our prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you! I give thanks to God for you this day and always! 

Leaving my heart gate and heart home open to you with warmth and love,


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