Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Love our neighbor week continues! Those difficult times when loving our neighbors isn't easy!

Good Evening Family of Love!

How many of us have ever had those times when loving and even liking our neighbors become difficult and seemingly impossible? Can I have a show of hands? Ah.......I see quite a few of you have raised your hands a few more timidly than others. I want to tell you here and now that we are all human beings and that may mean that sometimes we may or may not relate to our neighbors/family members 100% of the time. Last week we had in our Gospel lesson the wonderful Parable of the Prodigal Son. We could really feel the familial tension between brothers and parent and child. This is quite normal  and  we all must learn that we must move past grudges and enjoy being family. Sometimes we may not gravitate to our own birth families and choose new ones. I'm here to encourage us to try to be reconciled with our siblings because in the end after our parents die they may be all that we've got left of memories and the bonds of family. Neighbors are our families too. They may be the ones who will find us after a fall, a garage door left open, bring a casserole over, and yes even may find you after you have died. We are called to be an extended family with the people next door, down the street, around the block, the next subdivision over, the whole town, county, state, country, and the entire world. Here are today's suggestions for getting along with our neighbors:

Get to know their names!

Be culturally sensitive.

Planning a party with music or bounce houses?
Notify your next door neighbors and even your neighbors around the block.

Too many cars blocking your driveway?
Talk to your neighbors and explain that you need to be able to get in and out of  your garage easily or you might accidentally hit another car. Be persuasive and let them know that they don't want to take a chance.

Before calling the police for noise or any other aggravation let's engage in conversation.

Communication is key.

Being friendly is key.

Be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful)

Keep your eyes on all the little ones in your neighborhood. Watch your driving and driveways!

Be an extension of our elderly neighbor's family and caregivers. Be vigilant if our elderly family members are alone, still driving, unsteady on their feet, etc.

Be a safe house for children and women who may be experiencing bullying and abuse. 

If you have at least two neighbors you trust, give them a key so they can check up on things while you are gone on vacation.  

I would also designate a trusted neighbor to have a copy of your advanced directive, POLST, and name of your designated mortuary!

Work together to keep our neighborhood's safe, secure, and a happy place in which to live.

Pray for them daily!

Remember the Summary of the Law (From Holy Eucharist Rite I, from the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER)

Hear what our Lord Jesus Christ saith:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with
all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great
commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments
hang all the Law and the Prophets.

God doesn't let us off the hook! We shouldn't let ourselves off the hook either.

What's on your list?

Tonight let us pray for our neighbors and neighborhoods! But first let us take time for a period of gentle "Be Stills"

Be Still and know that I am God.
Be Still and  know
Be Still.

Peace be Still.
Peace be.

Be Still and know that I am God.
Be Still and  know
Be Still.

Peace be Still.
Peace be.

Be Still and know that I am God.
Be Still and  know
Be Still.

Peace be Still.
Peace be.

I want to welcome all of you who aren't familiar with our nightly Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils. We light virtual candles and pray for the concerns on our hearts and minds that have bubbled up throughout the day and especially in social media. Tonight we continue to light our candles and be at prayer for peace in our hearts, country, and the world. We pray that we may love our neighbors even if they are our enemies. We pray that our hearts may be calmed if there is something troubling our heart waters and heart homes.  We pray that we may be good examples of CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy). I invite you to join with us in the "Be Stills" to prepare us for a restful and peaceful sleep this night:

Be Still and know that I am God.
Be Still and  know
Be Still.

Peace be Still.
Peace be.

Here are additional prayers if you feel the need:

God of abundance, joy, and love we offer our bodies, minds, and spirits into your loving care this night. As we pray let us be mindful of the needs of our family members and pray for their well being.

Watch over all our family members who have had surgery or any procedure today that they may be on their way to good health and accept your healing.

Watch over all refugees, captives, prisoners, victims of domestic violence and abuse. Bring them out of danger and into freedom and safety.

Watch over all who are grieving that they may feel your loving and sustaining grace during grief's long journey.

Watch over all of our family members who are struggling that they may be comforted and relieved from their present situation.

Watch over all nations that they may use common sense and compassion when governing their residents. We pray for peace and and end to violence, war, and cruelty.

Watch over all  who have asked us for prayer and the many who are on our daily prayer heart and prayer list. Please add your own prayers and thanksgivings here.

Watch over our heart homes and may we love more and more to the brim and overflowing.

Watch over all who post and tweet in cyber-space that hate may be quelled and a place of love, dignity and respect may reign.

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, these are our prayers accept them with love, mercy, and grace. Amen.

Or this

This Week's Prayer Cycle:

Praying and dialing in to Lent and what  your focus is going to be. It is never too late to start.

Praying for all those who travel. Remembering those who continue to mourn and were affected by the Malaysian air tragedy.
For all nations of the world who are unstable remembering the Ukraine/ Crimea, South Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Uganda,Yemen, and Nigeria.
For all family members who still experience discrimination and hate and inequality.
For senses of humor and the gift of laughter.
For safety in our cities and towns.
For those battling illnesses of any kind.
For the leaders of the nations of  the world that they may do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with  their God and respect the dignity of every human being.
For rain and gentle thawing in the icy areas of our country.
For all of our religious leaders and for mutual respect and love between other faiths not our own.
For the end of Violence of any kind and all those of us who have become not victims but victorious survivors.
For those who lack a loving and compassionate support system.
For the least of these.
For those discerning vocations to ministries and new life paths.
We pray for the many aid agencies remembering_______________
We pray for___________________________
We celebrate__________________________
We remember__________________________


Dear family let us remember that we are one, made in the image and likeness of God with love and care. Help us this week to be able to lean on each other with courage and grace and may we all have peace of mind whatever each day brings.

I love you, you matter, and you this, please say these words as you read them:“I am a beloved child of the Holy. Always."  and these also " The light of Christ in Me, recognizes the Light of Christ in you!

Love, prayers, and the light is always on in my heart-home for you,


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