Friday, May 20, 2016

A look back to first chemo eve and prayers for those who have cancer. Let's continue to make everyday holy!

Good Evening Dear Ones!

Happy Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly without Fretting. I hope everyone has begun to place your items into the Worry/Sabbath Box. Tonight I reflect upon the week of My 19th of 2014 when, my dad died, I had my port put in, and my first chemo treatment. That was a very difficult time for me and I learned quite a great deal about myself and others. That was a time when lots  of things began to change and some of these things had to do with Canning the Cancer. 2 years ago tonight I was preparing myself to start my first chemo treatment. This was a time where you never knew when or if you were going to have it or not. Cancer changes people in many ways. I feel it changed me for the good and gave me a ministry to reach out to you my dear ones. I learned a lot about how my body was going through a transformation that one always takes for granted. We as people need to begin a spiritual and social transformation in order to help make this world a better place in which to live, move, and just be. We mustn't take life and living for granted. We must make every day holy and not just because God wants us to but because we want to and we must see the holy in all things. Every cell in our bodies are holy, every breath we take is holy, and every footstep and ground that we place our feet upon is holy. We must see the holy in all things. We must see the holy in our friends, foes, and those who may cause us frustration. So dear ones let us take off our shoes and meet each other on holy ground. I invite us all to be at prayer  and light our candles and remember all the people who are struggling either at home or abroad.

Holy and life giving God, we light our candles tonight in love and support for all those who are suffering with Cancer and Chronic Illness. We pray for care givers and nurse navigators and those who are actively involved in finding cures and treatments of cancer and chronic illness. We pray and give thanks for Doctors without Borders, The many relief and social service agencies that help at home and abroad. We remember this night children with cancer and especially those who have lost their battles with this disease. We remember and name those before you who have died, those who are cancer free, and those who continue to live with cancer. We pray for peace in this fragile and broken world that we may all be one with each other and you O blessed God. We pray for an end to hate, war, division, disease, and violence.  We pray that God may guide us into a new way of living with CALM (compassion, acceptance, love,and mercy) We pray that we may see Jesus in everyone that we meet ant that we may reach out in love to one another with a warm and loving embrace and kind words of welcome. This night we lay down our worries and anything that is on our hearts so that we may prepare ourselves for our Self-Care and Sabbath Rest retreat. The Light of Christ in Me, recognizes the light of Christ in you! We lift up these our prayers in the name of Jesus the Great physician and healer of us all. Amen.

Prayers from  each year on 1st chemo eve!

May 20, 2014

God we Give thanks to you for all our many blessings and those things that we are thankful for.

We  pray this day for all of our family members who have had surgery or are in the hospital.

We pray for caregivers of every stripe.

We pray for the girls in Nigeria who are missing. May they be returned safely to their family members.

We pray for the Sudan and South Sudan and an end to religious and political persecution.

We pray for human rights of all persons throughout your World and that every human being may be afforded dignity, respect, and equality.

We pray for all the troubled hot spots in your World and  for the healing of strife within your family.

We pray for peaceful hearts when life pitches us curve balls.

We offer ourselves O God to your service and to others.

May remember to conserve naturre and be mindful of your creation and Cathedral of Life.

We pray for an end to terror, violence, human trafficking and abuse.

We pray for rain in the draught parched areas of  our land and in your World.

We offer prayers, thanksgivings, celebrations, and remembrances this day on behalf of ____________

We pray for all religious leaders and faith communities as they meet the challenges of  summertime worship.

We pray for all of our family members who long for acceptance and courage to live authentically without fear.

O God we lift up these our prayers this night and give thanks to you for all that you are doing in our lives seen and unseen. May we rest gentle in your arms and feel your loving presence. In you name we pray  O God. Amen.

May 20, 2015

Loving and life giving God, let celebrate life everyday and realize that every day that we live is a chance to life life in a new and exciting key.

Loving and life giving God ,we pray for peace in the world and that we may become your peacemakers.

Loving and life giving God, we pray for all who are suffering in body, mind, and spirit. 

Loving and life giving  God, we pray for all who are journeying through the grieving process.

Loving and life giving God ,we pray for all who are seeking employment and new life paths.

Loving and life giving God ,help us to give and show love on a daily basis. 

Loving and life giving God,  help us to live life courageously with light footsteps directed towards the future which is a heartbeat and breath away.

Loving and life giving God, we pray for all of our family members who fear living and who are the least of these. We pray that we may lovingly respond to their needs.

Loving and life giving God,we pray that we will be able to offer our lives as gifts to  you as a musical and artistic masterpiece. We pray that you will guide our hands, voices, and words. 

Loving and life giving God, we pray for restful and peaceful sleep that we may awaken refreshed and renewed.

Loving and life giving God, we offer our prayers and thanksgivings in the Name of your Son Jesus. Amen. 

Now for a little bit of a musical meditation: Ubi Caritas- Durufle or
Cambridge Singers Mix


Good Night dear and Precious ones, I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always. I hope and pray that you have  a restful and peaceful sleep this evening. May you wake up refreshed, renewed and ready to meet God and our Family of Love with joy and thanksgiving.

With love, joy, hope, and peace.


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