Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Saturday Snippet and get ready for our Sabbath Rest our prayers and prayer vigil are combined tonight.

Good Evening Loved Ones!

Happy Self-Care Saturday! I hope everyone had a blessed day and took care of yourselves. Tonight I'm going to offer you a short blog without advice but with prayers for rest and comfort. We need to prepare for our Sabbath Rest tomorrow.  The prayers tonight come from the blog I wrote two years ago on the night of my first chemo and the day after. Please enjoy.

Let us Light Our Candles and be at prayer!

Let us take time to be at prayer and hear the voice of God in the silence and at the depths of our being.

God we give thanks for everything that you brought into our lives this day. 

We take this time to reflect upon our day as we enter the silence and feel your presence near us, in us, and through us. 

God we pray for all of our family members who are battling illnesses or any situation that is causing them emotional pain and physical weakness. Help us to remember that we find the spirit's power ever present when we are weak.

Direct our lives on theright pathways and guide our footsteps according to the journey of life you have set before us.

Grant us the wisdom to ask for help. Help us to listen not just to hear and give us the ability to respond accordingly.

We pray this night for : The Missing Girls in Nigeria, Syria, The people in the Sudan and South Sudan, The Ukraine,and all troubled places in Your world. May we "Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God" and pray that 'Justice will roll down!

We pray especially for all children and the many agencies who come to their aid. We pray for an end to child abuse, bullying, as we pray for all mothers and women who have been victims of the same.

We pray for the homeless, hungry, lonely, and the lost and all of our family members who will find shelter outdoors this night. We pray that we may be mindful of and pray for Buena Vista Vince, Shopping Cart Sally, and all those who have left jackets and clothing behind as a reminder to remember and pray for  the "Least of these".

We pray, remember, celebrate, and give thanks to you O God Remembering especially this night____________

May we feel your presence this night and may all of our family members everywhere feel  Your loving, merciful, accepting arms around them as well.

We lift up these our prayers and all that is on our hearts and minds that may be causing us worry or pain at this moment. We lay these in your arms and in the name of  Your Son Jesus. Amen.


 I was reminded yet again that we have to be mindful of the least of these. Here is the photo that reminded me of this.

Seeing yet another jacket left behind always gives me a heavy and tender heart. We always pray for our family member who owns it and prays that the s/he may not have come to any harm. We pray also that the person may return and get it and maybe then next owner. Remember any clothing that is left behind or is lost is currency to the least of these and has much value.  So this was a good time to Stop, Look, and Listen to God and what s/he is saying to us at the depths of our hearts. This refocused our prayers again and got us back on track. Remember it is always we not I as we walk and pray.

I invite us yet again to take time to pray for the least of these and offer any prayers to God that we may have on our hearts.

God and Parent of us All, help us to remember our family members who are hungry. May we come to their aid and may they be fed. 

We pray for all of our Family Members who live outdoors tonight and may they be safe from harm. We pray that various shelters may be opened to meet the needs of every homeless person. We pray for all chronically homeless family members who are mentally ill, may we never look down on them but ask how we can be of help. May we see your reflection in their eyes and faces. They are family members too.

We pray for all mentally ill family members and for adequate treatments that comfort and make them less frightened and make them steady contributors to society.

We pray for all of our Family Member who long for acceptance and the courage to live authentically as the beautiful children you have made.

We pray for all the places in your world where there is political unrest and where human rights are scarce.

We remember the people of Thailand, the Ukraine, China, the Missing Girls of Nigeria, for the Sudan and South Sudan, and again we pray for all places where there is religious persecution, political unrest, and inequality. 

We pray for our family members who are caregivers and may they all remember to take time for self-care and rest.

We pray that we may always take time for Sabbath rest with you O God and may we always find peace in our souls to listen and be at one with you during the day.

We pray for all family members who are experiencing illness and unwellness of their bodies minds, and spirits. We pray for balance and wellness in our lives.

We pray, remember, give thanks, and celebrate this day especially_________________

We offer these prayers to you O God. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Have a blessed and restful night. I give thanks to God for you always.

With love and blessings,



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