Sunday, May 22, 2016

Time for our Sabbath Rest and time for "The Be Stills", Prayer Vigil, and more prayer time! May God be With us always as we pray and be

Good Evening Dearly Loved Ones !

Happy Trinity Sunday. I hope everyone had a blessed day. I can't believe that we are on our way towards the end of May. Today was a busy day at the Faith Factory and I am pooped. I woke up just in time to night to write to you. I promise you this blog isn't about the Holy Trinity! It's about relationships with each other. I keep seeing lots of infighting on social media between groups of people, friends against friends, faith members who differ from different faith members. This isn't good for anyone and especially all of us who are members of God's Family. God created us to be family and in relationship with each other, the earth, and God (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit ) When we recognize that everyone is family maybe we can put down the weaponry of hate and division. We all  need to listen, love, and learn from each other.

Tonight we return to our "Be Stills", prayer vigil, and Prayers.

Take a couple of deep breaths and exhale slowly.

Be Still and know that I am God.
Be Still and know that I am.
Be Still and know.
Be Still.

Repeat until you feel centered with God and yourself.

God as we light our candles this night we pray for all of our family who struggle with differences. We light our candles and pray that we may listen, love, and learn from you and in turn from each other.
God lead us out of the dark places that place us in times of anxiety, worry, fear, and the need to be right all the time. Give us peace in our bodies, minds, and spirits. Transform us again into your image and likeness so that we may see you as we look into the mirror and the faces of our family members.
We pray for an end to hatred and division lead us into the light where we may be united in compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy. We pray that we may be sensitive to each other's needs and reach out lovingly to the least of these. We pray that we may lovingly respond to all our family members whether they be friend, foe, enemy and those who hate and differ from us. May we always remember that we indeed are called to be peacemakers, Good Samaritan, the Woman with the Alabaster Jar, and all who care for God's Holy People. May we remember this night that we are all called to be holy and walk the path of holiness and make every day that we live, move, and just be holy. Let us hold the virtual candle out towards each other and say "The Light of Christ in Me, Recognizes the Light of Christ in you! May we remember this always as we lift up these our prayers to God the Creator, Jesus our Redeemer, and The Holy Spirit our Advocate and Guide. Amen.

God we thank you for all that you created and made. May we be good stewards of your creation and practice conservation in honor and to your glory.

We pray for an end to animal cruelty everywhere and for humane treatment of all animals.

We pray for water conservation in all drought parched areas of our country and all places in your world. We pray for much needed rain that will help prevent wildfires.

We pray that we may be loving to all of our family members especially those with whom we disagree. May we learn to be accepting of all of our family members and encourage them to live as the authentically beautiful children you have made in you image and likeness.

 We pray that we may we learn to practice peace making in every moment that we live, move, and be and may we show your love and light to those who are in the dark places of life.

We pray for all those who live with mental illness and addiction and those who care for them. 

We pray for all who mourn losses of any kind. We remember especially those who have lost dear and precious animal family members.

We pray for all workers who are facing Monday  morning. May they have courage to know that their work matters and that they matter.

We pray for an end to all acts of violence and that all those who are  led to commit violent act may have their hearts softened and that they may be reconsider their acts before they engage in violence and terror.

We pray this night for all of our family members who are ill and are in hospitalized. We pray especially for_____________  We pray for parents and loved ones who sit at bedside with their loved ones. May they find the ability to rest while they vigil.

We pray for all places in your world where there is political unrest and terror. We pray that all of these places peace may prevail and that refugees and families may be reunited and protected.

We pray and give thanks for all of our family members who are celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and all special occasions this week. May they feel our love and devotion across the miles.

We pray for all of our family members who are the least of these. May we remember to serve the least of these and honor and serve you.

We lift up these our prayers to you and in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen.

Good Night Dear Family, may you feel loved across the miles as your read this and your heart be warmed with God's love and mine. Take time for Sabbath rest each day and remember that you are the only one who can give the gift of self care to yourself! I love you, you matter, and may you know that you bless me each day by your presence. 

Love, joy, blessings, and with a grateful and tender heart ,


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