Friday, May 27, 2016

Sometimes our spirits need a necessary lift! Time to have Fun!

Good Evening Dear Family!

Happy Friday! I hope everyone is prepared for the long weekend and that we are ready to add necessary fun to our spiritual mix. Fun is important so that we can become refreshed and relaxed. I realized that we haven't had our time where we get to talk about how necessary unwinding, laughing, and having a good time is for our bodies, minds, and spirits is. It is we have been in a much too serious mode and need to shake off the dust and spruce ourselves up and go out and live life and be entertained. That is our challenge for this weekend along with remembering the men and women who lost their lives in service to our country and any nation of the world.  

Before we have our prayer time I would like to introduce you to Thurber Carnival courtesy Keith Olbermann  on Youtube. We need a laugh.

The Pet Department - James Thurber

Olbermann Reads Thurber

God as we give thanks for for the gift of laughter and joy. We light our candles this night in thanksgiving for senses of humor and the need to lighten things up from all the dark and serious times in which we live. Help us to remember to smile and share laughter and comfort with each other when we need to. Give us peaceful hearts with butterfly flutters. Enliven our spirits so that we may comfort each other with laughter and a light touch. Help us to find little bits of humor and sunshine in each day that we live, move, and just be. Give us courage to shine your light to others with joy, hope, love, and peace. Teauch us we pray not to take everything so seriously that we miss the magnificence and beauty of your Cathedral of Live. Help us we pray to be filled with radiant spirits and joyful hearts. Transform our lives into shining and Christlike examples to all. We pray this night for peace and an end to hatred, bullying, and fear. May we share the light  and love of Christ to others with Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy this night and always. May we always remember that even Sarah laughed and smiled. We pray these our prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

So my dear family when was the last time you all had good old fashioned or newfangled fun? I''m giving you 10 minutes to think it over and meditate on what y/our spirits need to keep them fresh as a daisy.  After you do this make up a list of what uplifts y/our spirits and brings you joy.

Here is mine:

Here is my joy -filled and uplifting list!

Loving family and friends that I can be myself with.
Special and dear family members (That is all of you!)
Sunday comics
Writing this blog
Romance when I can get it
Spending time with 
Singing and dancing
Swinging on the swings
Taking drives to the beach
Attending Concerts, Plays, Going to art Galleries
Sunday worship
Being a Daughter of the King
Social events 
Prayer and a peaceful heart.
My sense of humor
Nostalgic and happy memories
Hugs and kisses!

So what did you come up with? If this challenges you, keep working and if you need to take time and maybe a break if you need to and then go back to it.

Now let's make a list of things that you like to do for fun they may be the same as the list above or they may be different. Tonight let's take time to meditate on what brings us joy and ask God to help us to have and up lifting heart.


God of joy, lighten our hearts this night and may we  wake up joyfully  and enlivened to do  what you are calling us to do and to be.

God of joy, help us to be bringers of hope, peace, love, and joy to your broken and fragile world.

God of joy, take our hands and join them with one another in a prayer and circle of unity. May we hold these hands lovingly and with purpose.

God of joy, help us to give of ourselves without fear but with a joyful and light heart.

God of joy, help us not to take ourselves so seriously that we lose sight of all that is good and joyful in the world and sparkling in your Cathedral of Life.

God of joy, help us to be loving to the least of these our family members and may we always see you in them.

God of Joy, heal all those who have any kind of  illness. God we pray for the continued healing of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

God of joy and love, wrap all of us your children who are grieving the loss of loved ones and special people in our lives.

God of Joy, we pray for all those who are dying and who have died today. Let your perpetual light shine upon them and show them your gentle and loving light and to those who are transitioning into the Thin Places.

God of joy, we pray for those who have requested our prayers and those who are afraid to ask us for prayers.  We remember especially ____________________

God of joy, we pray for all the faith communities, leaders, and members who are preparing for worship this night and as they worship tomorrow.

God of Joy, we lift up these our prayers in the name of your Son Jesus the Christ who by His birth brought joy, healing, and salvation to the world. Amen.

Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you! You all make my life more joyful and happy each and everyday. You are precious treasures and blessings in my life and in the lives of others. Let us take time to care for ourselves so that we may take care of others.  I give thanks to God for you this night and always.

Love, blessings, prayers, and joy,


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