Wednesday, May 25, 2016

There's power in our prayers!

Good Evening Prayer Pilgrims and Beloved Family Members,

I want to thank you for your prayers for Heidi and Barbara and Heidi's medical team. She has been stable for most of the day and I am awaiting news for an update from Barbara. Our prayers, concern, and love are making a difference. Our prayers make a difference and if you don't believe it look at the remarkable turn around we have seen in such a short time. I ask on behalf of Barbara, Heidi, and her Medical team to continue the prayers and kind thoughts. Sometimes people ask me what they can do for me and I say "prayers". Prayers are the most powerful thing we can do and offer one another. They are the best communications gift that God has given us. So when you begin to feel at a loss for what to do consider prayer as your best gift and it doesn't cost anything and is worth your time and love. 

Let us take time to be in prayer tonight! Here are thoughts and  of mine that are based on tonight's blog title

God, you told us when we pray that marvelous things happen. You are right there is power in our prayers.

God, you told us that when we pray it makes a difference and that healing happens. Indeed it does, there's power in our prayers.

God, you have shown us that prayer opens our hearts to love and put down the weapons of hate. Our prayers are powerful peacemakers.

Jesus, you showed the apostles how to pray and revealed yourself to the pilgrims on the road to Emmaus . When you left them they felt the power of the prayers and in the breaking of the bread.

Jesus, you showed us how prayers can be renewing forces in our lives when we need them and as a way of rest. There is power and refreshment in our prayers. 

Jesus, you modeled for us a way of life where we love one another and we meet and are united with each other in fellowship, the breaking of bread, prayers, and holding all things in common. There is power in our prayers as we seek unity and the need to seek to be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) 

Holy Spirit, we thank you for empowering us to pray fervently when we are called upon to do so. May our prayers be empowering and powerful.

Holy Spirit, give us when we lag in confidence in our prayers to lean on your power and pray with actions not words.

Holy Spirit, we pray this night that we may feel your power as we are empowered and enlivened to pray for our family members wherever they are throughout the world. Help us to turn our prayer power on and know that there's power in our prayers.

Now let us turn our hearts and prayer power on by lighting our candles and being at prayer. 

God of all power, love, mercy and radiant light, strengthen us we pray as we light our candles and be at prayer. We pray for your healing power among us who are ill. We pray that we may lovingly respond to our family members who are in need of loving comfort when they are going through any crisis. We pray this night for an end to all forms of weaponry and violence. We pray that we may have courage to lean on you when we feel our energy waning. We pray for all family members who are being robbed of power due to abuse, human trafficking, slavery, bullying, and people who make them feel insignificant and invisible. We pray for peace in this fragile and broken world and in our hearts and minds. We pray that we may listen to your call to serve and be empowered to carry your light, your love, your mercy, with listening ears and open hearts. We pray this night and as we remember this The Love and Light that God gave me, I give to you and to all of our family members. May we reflect God's love and light and feel God's holy power indwelling in us and calling us to pray and serve. May we know that there's power in our prayers and it comes from you O God. Amen.

Dear God we pray that we will season our prayers with love and care and take time in mindful silence and not be in a rush, rush, rush but a hush, hush, hush.

We pray for the least of these and those who continue to face discrimination of any kind. 

 We pray for rain in all areas affected by drought in our country and around the world.

We pray for our Family Members who are mourning losses of any kind and we pray that we may step up and be sources of comfort and compassion.

We pray this night for all those who work in the overnight hours especially our law enforcement personnel, Emergency and fire response agencies, and most especially those who work in the mortuary and hospice ministries.

We pray this night for those who are near and dear to us and who touch our hearts daily remembering especially______________

We add any of our special prayers, of  petition, thanksgiving, remembrance, and celebration : Especially and with love for _________________

We pray for our Family Members who travel that they may be surrounded by Your protection God.

We pray for ourselves and what may be troubling our spirits and that we may place those concerns into the Worry/Sabbath box during this coming weekend.

We pray for all the troubled places in the world and that listening hearts and cool minds may be lead to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with You O God. 

We pray this night that we may rest in the assurance of your everlasting mercy, forgiveness, and love and that we may awaken tomorrow to sing your praises and shine your light to a broken world. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you and give thanks to you this day and always!
Tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Let us practice random acts of kindness, be loving, and spread God's light to all.

With love and blessings!


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