Tuesday, May 24, 2016

It's time for our new family member welcome! A primer for new family members and a reminder for all of us.

Good Evening Dear Ones and New readers of Walk With Me On our Journey,

Happy Take Care Tuesday! I hope that everyone had a blessed and wonderful day and took time out to care for yourselves so that you can take care of the least of these. It's that time of the year where I want to welcome new family members to Walk With Me On Our Journey and extend a continual welcome to our family members of long standing. This is where we put our feet to prayer walking if mine have energy enough and if not we pray in place. We spend time in meditation, virtual candlelight prayer vigils and even more prayer. This is a time of virtual and cyber worship. This is a safe place in which to fall where everyone and I do mean everyone is welcome and accepted as they are and whose they are. This is where we all come to the waters and and take that boar to the other side of the lake to rest and pray. This is also a place where I write about issues that plague our hearts that I have sifted through the media, our lives and even on Facebook and Twitter.  We all must begin to learn how to breathe and breathe deeply and exhale fully. Without these tools praying and being one with each other and God can be difficult. Remember our breathing is our way of going deeper into our heart homes to journey into the center where we meet God face to face and have times of listening and being in the presence of God. 

Tonight let us practice our breathing and tomorrow we will engage in our "Be Stills"

First make your room a calm and quiet place. Place your feet on the floor.  Relax your bodies.

Close your eyes.

Inhale deeply and slowly and hold.
Exhale slowly and pause.

Repeat until you are ready to spend time in holy silence.

If silence is difficult and you want to build up time use a timer, mindfulness app, and  a musical selection. Music can help if you have a need to drown out the white noise. 

Here is tonight's musical selection. Let us center ourselves and if you so desire sing out in praise to the our Living God.

Calvin Hampton -Repeating Alleluia

Spend as much time as you like and then we will turn our bodies, minds, hearts,and spirits towards our nightly virtual candlelight prayer vigil. 

Welcome to our nightly virtual candlelight prayer vigil. For those of you who are new we light virtual candles and pray for the issues that have bubbled up from the day past. I hope you will join us and be at prayer and sense God's CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love and Mercy) as we pray.

God this night as we come before you we light candles and pray for the concerns that you know at our heart's deepest level. We pray for peace in this fragile and broken world and in many of our hearts that mourn losses of any kind. We lift up our family members who are newly diagnosed with diseases and health issues praying for your healing hands of comfort and healing mercies. We pray for an end to hate and fear that we may be united in love and steadfast unity. We pray that we may take time tonight walking together on holy paths with a holy purpose. We give thanks to you for the day past and all that is to come in the remaining week ahead. We pray that we may join together and light our candles and be beacons of hope, joy, love, and peace. May we all be one and in harmony with one another. God grant us a renewing night of grace and refreshment. We remember this always The Light of Christ in Me Recognizes the Light of Christ in You. We lift up these our prayers in the Name of God the Creator, Jesus our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit the Sanctifier. Amen

Let us all remember that we all need to be like the little children who approached Jesus and he accepted them with open arms. May we all welcome all of our family and friends who are also family with loving, compassionate, and warm loving arms. I wish that I could give each of you a warm and loving embrace of welcome!

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for unity this night and may we never forget that we are to love our friends just as we love you.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for all  who  haven't felt the strong and loving bond of  friendship.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for all who are in danger, homeless, hungry, the least of these, refugees, prisoners, captives, and all troops who are currently at war. May we learn that we are to lay down our swords and spears so  that wars may cease. 

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for all of those who are suffering mental illness and do not have loving and supporting friends to care and comfort them.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, We pray for the healing of all who are ill and are recovering from surgery or are hospitalized, May we find it in our hearts to 
May we find it in our hearts to step up as good and faithful friends and visit and comfort them. We pray that they may offer help to their friends when they need it.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, may we all learn to be accepting and inclusive of all of our family members who may differ from us in any way. May we learn to love with out limits and conditions. 

Jesus, our Loving and Compassionate Friend, Help us to make friends with our enemies and the unlovable. Give us the courage to do this and become peacemakers to your broken and fragile world.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, hold our hands and walk with us on our journey of life and where ever God leads us. 

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend. We give thanks for all the wonderful memories we share with our family and friends. May we all become keepers of the lore.

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend, we pray for_________________________

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate Friend we Give thanks for_________________________

Jesus our Loving and Compassionate we pray these our prayers and thanksgivings to you In Your Most Holy Name Amen.

Dear Jesus, help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go.
Flood our souls with your spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly,
that our lives may only be a radiance of yours.
Shine through us, and be so in us,
that every person we should come in contact with
may feel your presence in our soul.
Let them look up and see no longer us, but only Jesus.
Stay with us, and then we shall begin to shine as you shine;
so to shine as to be a light to others;
the light, Jesus, will be all from you.
None of it will be ours.
It will be you shining on others through us.
Let us thus praise you in the way you love best,
by shining on those around us.
Let us preach you without preaching:
not by words, but by our example,
by the catching force,
the sympathetic influence of what we do,
the evident fullness of the love our hearts bear for you.

Blessed Mother Teresa

Good Night to all our beloved brothers and sisters both old and new. I love you, you matter to me, you matter to God, you matter to us, and we hope that you matter to yourselves. I give thanks to God for you this night and always. You are welcome as dearly beloved family members in the household of God and love. May you feel God's and our encircling love wrapping you and a prayer quilt of welcome, hospitality, and comforting love. You honor me by your presence this night and always.

With peace, love, prayers, and God's holy blessings,



A few housekeeping reminders:

We continue to welcome you here and also we want you to know that we have many ways in which to contact us:
We have an actual email address walkwithmeonourjourney@gmail.com and if you wish to write us.
You may subscribe at the top of the blog's page and place your email address and click on the submit button.
We still take your prayer requests on Twitter and Facebook if you have friended or followed me. You may DM or PM if you'd like to chat.
You may leave a message on Walk With Me On Our Journey's Facebook Page. Please like us.

Optional Prayers

Now as we turn our hearts towards our time of prayer  we ask that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit be in our midst.  We give thanks for their loving and sustaining presence in our hearts, bodies, minds, and spirits and most especially in our lives.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray especially this night for all those who have been affected by gun violence of any kind. We pray for the families, victims, and the communities. We also lift up the city of Roseburg that as they continue to mourn they may find comfort in each other.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray this night for peace in God's fragile and broken world. May we as Children of God become blessed peacemakers and help soothe and care for the tenderhearted who are living in fear, terror, and adversity.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray this night for all those who are in need of healing of body, mind, and spirit. We pray for the healing of those who are living with chronic and mental illnesses. May we as their caregivers and friends offer them solace and a soft place in which to fall. We remember them now by name____________.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray this night for all those who are the least of these that  they may find shelter, food, and clothing. Give us courage to step up and help . 

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray for all agencies and organizations that help minister to the needs of children, women, those who have been abused, chronic disease research and patient care.  We remember especially this month: All Breast Cancer foundations, A.I.D.S. foundations, and Alzheimer's foundations.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray for all faith communities and the c
clergy who minister to them . We pray for a climate of love, dignity, and respect for all our family members who differ from us and that we may grow in love and unity towards and with them.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray and give thanks for all Caregivers: Remembering : Family members, Clergy, home health, hospice workers, mortuary ministries, EMTs., Police, Firefighters, Troops, day care workers, teachers and anyone else who provides care and protection for us. 

Silence and reflection for a space.

We pray this night for all refugees,immigrants, captives, political prisoners, prisoners, those who are victims of human trafficking and slavery. and all who are in danger and have been victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We especially pray for all the leaders of  the nations of the world and especially our President that they may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God and that they may have the courage to lead in times of trouble and in times of plenty.

Silence and reflection for a space.

We add our additional prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations to you  Lord Jesus as we pray lovingly in their names  and ours ________________ We pray these our prayers in Jesus most holy and life giving name. Am

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