Thursday, May 19, 2016

Walking the walk, talking the talk, when we wear our chosen symbol of faith. Does it match up?

Good Evening Dear Ones!

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! I have been thinking a lot about the symbols we wear and what they represent and do we live up to their meaning. Christians often wear crosses, veils, Jews wear yarmulkes, Stars of David, tallits, and Phylacteries. Muslims wear hajibs and other visible items. I won't go into a detailed list but I'm sure we find ourselves at least being familiar with some of these items. Why do we wear them? We wear them out of respect and honor and as a way to become closer to God and as holy identifiers. These items should be our way as a reminder to ourselves how we must behave one to another. None of these symbols should be considered weaponry of hate or division.  They help us to be centered As we  wear these special symbols of our faith, I ask each one of you to consider them as a kind of way to keep your behavior in check especially when we post, tweet, say something to some one or share something in social media. If you are wearing a cross at this time what does it say about you who are posting negative and sharing hurtful and mean memes ? We should reflect God's image and light at all times and  with as much care as we pray and love our neighbor. Tonight let us begin to wear the symbol of love close to our hearts and hopefully we may feel it tugging at our heartstrings when we seek to hurt and hate those who differ from us. When we wear the symbols of our faith we are reminded that we need to be living a holy and loving life in service to God and God's Family of Love. Even if you don't wear a symbol of faith remember that we must love God, Neighbor, and Self not only in our words, deeds, and yes even when we are in public and social media. 

Tonight before we light our candles and have prayer time let us look at our religious symbol of choice and ask yourselves these questions:

Why do I wear it?
Is it just a piece of jewelry?
Do I behave like Jesus  when you wear a cross if you are Christian?
Does it prevent me from hurting or hating or do I have temporary amnesia when I become frightened or afraid?
Do I sometimes forget who I follow when I'm wearing my chosen religious symbol and follow the lemmings, herd, or swine off the cliff? 
Think on these things.


God, tonight we pray as we light our candles that we may find ourselves on our way back to you when we find ourselves being led to post, think, and say hurtful things towards all our brothers and sisters.Give us courage we pray to live lives that are consistent with the religious symbol we wear. We pray that our words and deeds may always be holy and that our feet may remember that where we walk is on the holiest ground imaginable. We pray that we may use words of CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy) We pray this night for those who have lost their lives on the Egypt Air Flight today. We pray and Give thanks for the safe return of the two victims of the Boko Haram kidnapping. We pray for an end to human trafficking and modern day slavery. We pray for our family members who are struggling to have, find, and keep good medical insurance. We pray for all who are suffering chronically ill and in pain. We pray that we may be attentive to all care givers that they may find respite and support. We pray this night for our blessed and holy Family of Love  throughout the world. Give us peace this night so that we may be ready to prepare for our Self-Care and Sabbath Rest weekend Retreat, Let us remember if we haven't lit our candles yet that The Light of Christ in Me Recognizes the Light of Christ in You. We lift up these our prayers and thanksgivings and anything else we wish to lay at  Jesus' feet and loving arms of grace and mercy. Amen.

Let us begin with  of St. Francis as we go deeper into this time of prayer and meditation. This prayer is suitable for building bridges and tearing down walls it is also a reminder for us to walk the walk and talk the talk.

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
are born to eternal life. Amen.

Let us listen to the same prayer as sung by John Michael Talbot  Lord Make Me an Instrument- John Michael Talbot 

Lord Jesus, as we approach the up coming week may we pray for peace in the world. 

Jesus, give us the courage to become instruments of your peace and be "Lights of the World" and "The Salt of the Earth"

Jesus, grant us the wisdom to find out for ourselves the truth behind all the stories we read and see in social media and in the newscasts.

Jesus, we pray for the forgotten people in all the war torn areas of the world that our eyes may be opened and that we may have loving hearts to welcome them.

Jesus, give us we pray the energy to do the tasks no matter how large or how small  you give us in service to you and in your Kingdom.

Jesus, we remember those who are on our hearts this night especially______________________

Jesus, protect all our family members around the world this night and 'Hide them under the shadow of your wings"

Jesus, keep reminding us that we are to be your hands, your feet, your voice, in the world. Give us by your example to never treat anyone as invisible.

Jesus, help us to be living  and  breathing Bibles by our love, compassion, mercy,  words, deeds and remember the words of  St. Francis of Assisi  "Preach the Gospel always, if necessary use words!"

Jesus, we remember all of our vulnerable family members who are lonely, lost, refugees, homeless, hungry, and all the least of these. Help us to remember that by caring and serving them we are serving you.

Jesus, heal all those who are mentally ill, PTSD,  Memory problems, and all those who struggle with daily living. We remember all of our family members who are disabled.

Jesus, help us to know that we are one with you and God and that we may never be afraid to come to you and knock at the door. Help us always to be listening and seeking you in those moments of stillness and calm.

Jesus we pray our gratitude list and offer our thanks to you!

Come Lord Jesus and be among us this night and always. Amen.


Good night dear ones! I love you and my God Bless you this night and always. Remember tomorrow is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting ! Yes it is Worry/ Sabbath Jar Day!

Love, joy, blessings,prayers, with thanksgiving to God for you!


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