Saturday, May 14, 2016

It's time to get out of the rut that keeps us in the business of hate and anything else that divides us.

Good Evening Dear Family!

Happy Self-Care Saturday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day of self-care and Sabbath rest as we continue our weekly retreat. Today as I was sifting through social media I was noticing that quite a few of our family members are stuck on hating and mistrusting a variety of groups of people or as I called it the Hate of The Week Club. This continues to be a bad habit and not good for our mental, spiritual, and physical health. We must stop this bad stuff that starts rotting our bodies like battery acid from the inside out and sometimes from the outside in. We must find a solution to just letting go and letting God help us to free us from all of this terrible gobbledygook that is poisoning our bodies, nations, and relationships with our family members. It's time to let go and stop posting things just because you are afraid and lack the courage to educate yourselves. We need a bonfire to place our contents of the worry/ Sabbath box and burn them up and pray them away. It's time ! If not now, when? 

Let us light our candles and be at prayer.

Holy Spirit, as we await again your yearly time to celebrate your annual visitation and empowerment of Jesus' followers we light our candles and pray that we may be enlivened by your spirit to go into the world and be good examples of  compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy. We pray that we my use the gifts that you have given us for good and that we may help our family members to stop being afraid, stuck in hate, bigotry, and the lack of education. We pray that we may feel your spirit enlivening us to serve and spread your awesome and powerful love energy to others and that our hearts and heart homes be expanded to include more family members and widen our hearts with more love, more kindness, more peace, and more acceptance. We pray that by the Spirits guidance we may live authentic lives and grow in God's image and likeness. Come Holy Spirit Come! Enliven us, quicken our hearts, and may feel the Waters of life coursing through our veins. The light of Christ in Me Recognizes the light of Christ in You! We lift up these our prayers and any additional prayers and thanksgivings in the name of God the Creator, Jesus our Redeemer, And the Holy Spirit the Holy Comforter. Amen.

Tonight let us meditate on how we can practice non violence and turn away from hate.  This is my encouragement to  practice peace, love, justice, unity and letting God be God  as God is !  God is Love!  Tonight's meditation music is  this Gandhi Sountrack or George Harrison's and Pandit Ravi Shankar's songs .

God of unity help us to break down the walls that separate  us . May we be united as one family under you O God.

God of peace, we pray for peace in our hearts, minds, spirits, and especially in our cities, and in the war torn places in this your fragile and broken world.

God of justice, we pray that everyone may be granted the right  to peaceably assemble and protest injustices anywhere. 

God of mercy, help us to show mercy to all those who are the least of these and see you in each of their faces. May we reflect love, kindness, mercy, and shine the light of  Christ to them.

God  of kindness, help us to be kind and not hateful and replace hate for kindness, love, justice, and mercy.

God of all creation, we pray that we may become united with all creation and practice Godly conservation that will please You and heal your planet for the good of all living things. We pray for rain that it will heal all the drought stricken areas of the world and in our state.

God of Healing, Heal all of our family members who are in need of healing of body, mind, and spirit.
May we reach out to them when they cry and ask for help.

God of Comfort,  We pray for all those who pre-grieving and sitting vigil at bedside while they wait for their loved ones to transition into the Thin Places. May we offer solace and comfort when needed.

God we pray for all those who are dying and who have died today that they may have or have had a joyful and peaceful journey into the Thin Places.

God of all Gentleness, we pray for the health and safety for all of the little ones your children. We pray that they may be treated as precious treasures and may be cared for tenderly.

God of Forgiveness and mercy we ask forgiveness of all the wrongs that we have done either by omission and commission.

God of Love, may we always be loving and thankful. 

God we add our prayers for ourselves and on behalf of others  now_____________________

God we lift up these our prayers in the name of your Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.

Good Night Family of Love. I love you! Remember we need to let go of all the hate, bigotry and thoughts that keep us in a rut. Give it over to God and don't post the items continually on Facebook or Twitter.  I give thanks to God for you always!  

Love, prayers, blessings, and peace be always yours,


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