Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Take time to find a group that will create a safe and sacred space for you to be you!

Good Evening Dearly Loved Ones!

Last evening I attended a meeting of G.R.A.C.E. (Gay Rights Advocates for Change and Equality) it was our  post Orlando vigil and check in. These groups are invaluable because we all need to have many opportunities to decompress and be one with each other. I'm suggesting that we all have these times together after any kind of crisis that hits our community. I'm not just speaking about the LGBTQ community but the community at large. Our churches aren't the only places where we find family and sacred space, groups where we share common interests can be that place of holiness. You and I both know that this time in our lives we need to be seeking family wherever that may be. This is such a place. I feel as though I cheated you using bits and pieces from old blogs yesterday. I should have kept it simple. Tonight we start fresh and meet together in a place of safety and newness. We are one. This is a place where love and love energy is the key to everything we do and in every thing we say. God calls us to set this time and space not just to be with God but each other. Whatever is going on in your hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits right here, right now know that this is where you can lay down your burdens and rest awhile for prayer and meditation. This is where we offer you a place of hospitality and love.  So dear ones, take off your shoes, wiggle your little piggies, relax and get comfortable for this is y/our time of sacred space.

Let us take time to set our sacred space and pray the 'Be Stills'

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply and repeat.

God of  compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy we come into this sacred space and light our candles to seek you in stillness of this night. We pray that what ever has rattled our nerves and saddened our spirits we may find rest and healing for both. We pray that we may feel your love within us, so that we may carry that love to others and especially ourselves. Help us we pray to give ourselves permission not only to be kind to others but ourselves. We take this time to pray for the peace of the world and an end to all senseless acts of violence and terror. We pray especially for Baghdad, Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Istanbul, and Orlando. We pray this night and remember all who have lost their lives in these terrorist acts, let light perpetual shine upon them. We pray and give thanks to for all of our family members nearby and far away. We pray for all caregivers that they may find respite. We pray for all of the tender souls and the least of these who need food, clothing, shelter, and jobs. We pray for safety in our cities and towns. Let us remember that all lives matter and that we are called to be of one heart and love one another at all times even when it becomes difficult. May we light our candles of love and carry love out into the world and wherever we end up may that become our time of sacred space and love energy. The light of Christ In me Recognizes the light of Christ in You. Amen.

Tonight dear ones we will not read the names of the Orlando 49 but instead we will look upon their faces and pray in silence. Take moment to look upon their faces. 

God we pray this night that wherever we maybe we may find sacred space.  May this be such a time a and place as this is.

God we pray that when we don't feel safe that we may look inwardly and find our heart homes a place of  sacred space and safety.

God we pray that we may be a soft place in which to fall for all of our family members.

God we take this time to be together as one family where we can truly pray and feel the love we have for one another.

God we pray for all who are lonely, lost, and afraid that we may extend a loving hand and prayer towards them.

God we pray for peace in this fragile and broken world that we may seek to be peace makers, hope bringers, love givers, and radiate joy to all. 

God we pray to be in harmony with nature and all living things and for the protection and conservation of your Cathedral of Life. 

God we pray for all who are ill and in pain that their suffering may be relieved and given you healing balm.

God we pray for an end to all division and hatred that we all may be one  and learn from each other.

God we lift up these our prayers in your holy and life giving name. Amen.

 Our  Prayers from a year ago!

God we pray this night for all who are in pain in body, mind, and spirit that they may feel you healing and loving presence. 

We pray for peace on Earth and that we may become the Family of God that you have called us to be. May we break down the walls and borders that divide us.

We remember this day all of our Family Members who are returning from the long weekend and for traveling mercies.

We pray this night for all who have had to spend the weekend in the hospital or any care facility.

We pray for all those who are seeking healthy employment and workplace conditions. 

We pray that we may learn to love with our hearts, minds, and spirits to build up and not to destroy.

We pray that we all may learn to stop the glorification of busy and learn to rest and be at peace

We pray this night for all children and for their safety during the Summer months.

We pray for all those who have addiction, mental illness, and memory disorders.

We pray that we may be able to be better listeners at heart and soul level.

We pray for all of our Family Members who keep us safe from harm.

We pray that we may be learn to take care of  Your Cathedral of Life and that we may stop being wasteful. 

We pray for all of our Family Members not just the ones we are related to by blood but through our common humanity. May we learn to love them more each and every day that we, live, move and be.

We pray especially for_________________________

Jesus help us to etch these words in our bodies, minds, and spirits "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

We ask these our prayers in Your Name Lord Jesus. Amen


Good Night Dear and Loving Family Members! I love you! I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

With love and all that is good!


Tell everyone you love them!

I love you!

 Radiate Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace to All!

Encircle the World With Love and Love Energy!

Click on the Link Below and sing along!

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