Sunday, September 7, 2014

Back on the home trail! A beautiful night for a prayer walk.

Dear Family of Love,

I can't believe that we are almost through the first week of September, but we are and we are approaching many days of remembrance and heavy hearts. On the 9th in California we celebrate California becoming a state and then our annual remembrance day of 9/11  This week I challenge everyone to be more prayerful, thoughtful, loving, accepting and above all else be a maker of peace, striver of justice,  and a respecter of all of our family member's dignity that includes those we don't like, may be our enemies, and those with whom there is division.

Tonight let us find peace at the center and lay down anything that is worrisome and fear provoking. 
Tonight's music will be coming form Andreas Vollenweider - Behind the Gardens Behind the Wall

Let's first inhale and then exhale a few times, breathe deeply not shallow and let the breaths be released slowly.  Do you feel peace arriving in your bodies, minds, and spirits? I hope so. Now if there is anything that is making you anxious, worried, and overwhelmed, this is the time to offer all of these things to God the Creator and Life Giver. Give each of these one by one  and then let them go. Now close your eyes and breathe deeply again. Take time to become relaxed, refreshed, and renewed and ready to pray.

Gracious Spirit, we pray this night that all of our worries and anxieties may be released and that we may forever "Consider the lilies" 

Gracious Spirit, take away all hurts and negative thoughts and actions that divide us.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all children who are undergoing major health treatments for cancer or any other illnesses.

Gracious Spirit we pray for all those who suffer from any chronic illness such as diabetes and their care givers. 

Gracious Spirit, we pray for an urgent end to all the violence and terror that is infecting your broken world.  May we become peace makers and strive for justice and mercy.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all who have lost hope that we may be called in to service  to bring hope to the hopeless.

Gracious Spirit, may we always remember that we are God's Children and family members and that we may act and love accordingly.

Gracious Spirit, be with those who mourn and are in need of compassion and comfort as our family members grieve any kind of loss.

Gracious Spirit, may we take time to visit God's Cathedral of life and appreciate God's creation. We pray for rain and sensible weather and that we may practice conservation.

Gracious Spirit, we pray that a spirit of compassion and love may replace all the hate and negativity in the many areas that Social Media touches. We pray for all haters and trolls that their hearts may be softened and learn to be compassionate.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all of our family members who do not have anyone to pray for them. Let us knit a prayer circle around everyone beginning now and in the days and weeks to come.

We add our additional prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations for ourselves and on behalf of others and lift them into the loving arms of Jesus. Amen.

Good Night Dear Family! I love you and hope that you have a wonderful and restful night. Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday and that means that you don't get to put yourself down or feel worthless. You Matter, You are precious to God and to me and you are worthy. Don't just be a good neighbor to all of God's Family members be a Good Neighbor to yourself. Look in to the mirror and tell yourself 'I love you " as I do every day.

Love, prayers, blessings, and peace be always yours,


George Winston- Autumn

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