Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fragile - This side up! Handle with care! This Fragile Earth, Family (Bodies, Minds, and Spirits)

Dear Family of Love,

The word fragile has been on my mind ever since I woke up this morning. Hearing the news on NPR and then getting up and going Dr. Vachani my GI Doctor for an 8:00 a.m. I checked things out on the computer prior and found out that a dear friend of mine who had been battling colon cancer for two years had entered the Thin Places last evening. We all sensed that it was close but, grief's sting is grief's sting. After a few tears and grief winces and bites, I knew how important follow up appointments are. I did not begrudge going to an 8 a.m. appointment, I welcomed it especially when it was just a review of the health of my colon and all things are well and I see them again in January.
Throughout the day I kept feeling as I read all the posts on Facebook and Twitter and many by family members of ours how fragile everyone is. Every day is a You  Matter Monday and a Take Care Tuesday. God sometimes tenderizes our hearts with the events of the day and what ever is in God's plan. I decided today to check in with our fragile family members and I was glad that I did. Lot's of tender situations going on in their lives and quite a bit more emphasis on prayer, love, and listening to the tones of the messages. If you calm yourself enough you can hear what they are saying. That is why finding peace at the center is so important. We all need to be receptive to the fragility of our world, family members, and even ourselves. My dear family members we all need to love, be accepting,  take care, listen, and be receptive to what our fragile and broken world it telling us today even if you cannot hear the words. As St. Benedict  said about obedience  "It is listening with the ear of the heart". Open your heart  and listen. It is in that still small voice. Can you hear it?

Tonight we will take time to do our usual meditations and let us listen for God's still small voice.
Windham Hill -Tibet

Gracious Spirit Come among us in the quietness of  this night so that we may hear God's still small voice calling us in love to be a family united in peace, love, and justice.

We pray this night for all earthly creatures and God's Cathedral of life. May we always remember that every living thing is a family member that sustains us/

Gracious Spirit guide us to take care of the least of these and all of our fragile family members.

We pray for all who are ill that we may step up to help give aid and comfort.

Gracious Spirit, bend our ears so that we may listen to our family members's unspoken cries for love, help, and acceptance.

We pray for the newly grieving and those who continue to mourn.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all who are dying and those who have died and have entered the Thin Places today. We pray that your comforting presence and loving arms carried them into the arms of God.

We pray for all who have fallen through the cracks, may we reconnect with them and be mindful of fragile souls who become invisible to us and that we may keep our eyes, hearts, and ears open.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all those who are discerning vocations and new life paths that they may have courage to change course and say yes to whatever your are calling them to do and to be.

We pray for all refugees, political prisoners, victims of abuse and violence, and those who have died at the hands of their captors remembering Steven Sotloff, James Foley, and Iraqi Christians. We remember and pray for all war torn areas of the world. We remember those suffering from Ebola in Africa, We remember the Missing Girls in Nigeria, We remember Ferguson Missouri, We remember the Martyrs of New Guinea and all who have laid down there lives for their faith and friends.

Gracious Spirit we add our own prayers and those we pray on behalf of others especially__________

We pray lift up all these petitions in Jesus most Holy and Redeeming Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Fragile and Loving Family! You are loved by God, me, and many others. You Matter!
You are blessed treasures. I'm blessed and honored  to call you family and I love and Give thanks for you this day and always!

Love, peace, blessings, and prayers be always yours,


Shadowfax Too Far to Whisper

George Winston - Autumn

Turtle Island String Quartet

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