Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Beginning of Autumn and time to yet again to face changes in our lives .

Dear Family of  Love!

We are beginning the season of Autumn! This is a good time to begin refocusing our lives and getting in touch with our inter-being. How do we do this? We begin to meditate and pray with more intention and frequently. Every day for the remainder of the year let us challenge ourselves to lay down our burdens and worries and place them in The Sabbath/worry box. This is a good time to heed God's and Jesus' words to "Be Not Afraid", "Do not be anxious!", 'Consider the Lilies of the field!', "Fear Not", etc.As the days become darker so do all of the garbage our minds cook up. So we need to find ourselves better and more efficient ways in which to manage all of these things! 

Today I at first thought I would stay home after church, but then God's Little Birdie tapped me on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "It's time to take a Sunday Drive and see what you see!" I went to San Luis Obispo and visited Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, and a whole bunch of other things. Seeing this Mission reminded me of when I visited Mission Santa Ines another place where you find the holy and it is beautiful on Sunday with the light streaming in. This reminded me of the blog  about letting God's light flow through you! After that visit and walking around my academic city and remembering Week Of Welcome and the start of school it was time to leave and go on a journey that I have never done by myself. When I was a newbie at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo we had a period of orientation called WOW week. In the fall of 1981 we Wowies had many adventures that took us on back road adventures. Today I took Perfumo Canyon Rd. all the way into Avila Beach. Driving through this canyon road I realized God put me in a tree covered canopy and then way up a mountain road to see amazing vistas in God's Cathedral of Life. The scenery was breath taking. Then I visited Avila Beach and saw the Pacific Ocean and remembered these old prayers, 

Dear Lord, be good to me
   the sea is so wide
     and my boat is so small."

           Irish Fisherman's Prayer

"And I saw a river
over which every soul must pass
to reach the kingdom of heaven
and the name of that river was 'suffering'...
And then I saw a boat
which carries souls across the river
and the name of that boat was 'love.' 

St. John Of The Cross, 1542-1591
Spanish Mystic, Theologian

I'm reminded that all of these adventures point us to the need to be flexible not rigid.  This season calls us to be flexible like Gumby and not get so bent out of shape and worry like a nervous Nellie.
So dear family let us be willing to let go and let God, Listen to God's still small, voice and do what we are going to do now and have a period of meditation.  Tonight's meditation music if you are so inclined to use it is this:George Winston -Autumn

Gracious and loving God we welcome the season of Autumn with its beautiful hues and cool crisp air. May we see this as a time where we change our hues and lives positively for the good of  others and  in service to you.

Tonight we again lay down our burdens, worries, and all else that keep us from connecting with you and our Family Members.

Give us courage to meet the week ahead and look forward to what ever adventure you have called us to be on.

We pray for all of our family members near and far and especially those with whom we find unlovable and we don't understand. Help us to become united as the beautiful  and loving family you made us to be. May walk the walk and talk the talk and never lose sight of the fact that you made us each uniquely in Your  Image and Likeness. God help us to know that all that you have made is  Good and Holy.

We pray this night for peace and an end to violence and terror. We pray for all the many war torn areas around your broken and fragile world.

We pray for all of our family members who are the least of these and that we may step up to love and care for them without reservation and that we do this gladly in humble service to God.

We pray for all who are ill and seek your healing grace Lord Jesus. May we seek to be compassionate and loving to them.

We pray for all who mourn and especially the newly grieving. Help us to step up and care with love and mercy.

Gracious and Loving God enfold the dying and welcome those who have died and have entered into Joy with a loving embrace and a heavenly "Hello!"and welcome them at the table and mansion prepared for them.

God  instill in each of us an attitude of gratitude and may we always be thankful and thoughtful.

We offer our prayers and those on behalf of others to you and place them in your loving arms and in you most Holy Name Lord Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love. I love you. May you rest and remember that tomorrow is You Matter Monday. Take time to give yourself  some slack and be kind to yourself and others. Remember God tells us whatever we do the least of these, we do it to Him and that we are to Love God, Ourselves, and I'm changing the last from neighbor to Beloved Family Members.  I challenge each of us to do this without reservation but freely and without fear.

Love, joy, and peace be always yours,


William Ellwood Mix

The Way Movie Soundtrack

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