Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chemo #9 or should I say Love Potion # 9 ? Now it's not the Road to the Final 4 but the Final 3!

Dear Family of Love!

I'm sorry to tell you that I don' have any fresh  photos for tonight's blog, I have however chosen a few of my favorites.. I was out celebrating Chemo #9 and now the Road to the Final 3. It is necessary to celebrate every breath we take. 3 years ago today my friend and my sister from another mother Megan passed away unexpectedly from a pulmonary embolism. I miss her greatly and now I'm channeling her flamboyance. Megan and I were two peas in a pod. We were parties in a person! Anytime we entered a room we got the party started! We were celebrators of life to the Nth degree. This is what living, loving, and laughing through life even when it gets tense should be. You never saw Jesus without all the ingredients of a party. Think of the these things; Wine, Bread, Fishes, and whatever else they could come up with! He also had a many of God's and his family members with him ( That included in no particular order, disciples, brothers and sisters, Mary his Mother,  women, men , children, outcasts, and many, many more) So my dear family let us celebrate each and every moment that we live move and just be. Tonight let us give thanks to God for our family members, celebrate each breath we take, and love all of our family members as we should be loving ourselves. It isn't easy to love ourselves, but it can be don. Loving ourselves means that we matter and are diligent in taking care of ourselves and making and taking time to enter into GPS or Gentle Priority Shifting,  If I can do it, so can you! Let us find peace at the center using your timers, musical selections of choice, or Tibetan Mindfulness Bowl App, Lets take time  for 15 minutes.  Tonight's musical selection is this: The Best of John Rutter Mix 

Gracious Spirit we give thanks for all those who are completing cancer treatment and pray for those who are continuing their chemo or radiation treatments. We pray for minimal side effects and that they may have loving and compassionate medical teams. We pray for mindful caregivers who will lovingly support them.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all who are grieving losses of any may we with God's help lovingly and with compassion step up care and meet their needs and knit a prayer circle of love around them.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for all children that they may be protected from abuse in its many forms, bullying, self doubt, violence, and that those who are in foster homes may find love and compassion and acceptance. We pray for all children needing a forever home that the right parental match may be found.

Gracious Spirit, encircle this world with love, peace, and unity. We pray for an end to violence and terror. May we make peace and show love to our family members who feel it necessary to harm and kill for extreme religious reasons. We pray for all who persecute those who aren't of their faith community. May we see God in all people and reflect God's light in our eyes to theirs.

Gracious Spirit, help us to learn to love ourselves and celebrate each moment that we live and move and just be,

Gracious Spirit, give us strength,courage and resilience to serve You, God, and Jesus in everything we do and may our lives be a shining light of love to the least of these and those who are feeling invisible and insecure.

Gracious Spirit, we lift up our hands in prayerful and celebratory praise this night as we offer our prayers, celebrations, remembrances, and thanksgivings for ourselves and on behalf of others in Jesus our Loving Redeemer's Name. Amen.


Good Night Lovely Family! I love you, you matter, please take care of yourselves and others with love, compassion, and mercy. Remember it is sometimes necessary to do GPS (Gentle Priority Shifting). Remember if you have to make changes in your life,do it. As I keep saying Live your truth, follow your bliss, and you don't have to explain yourself. Remember I accept everything about you no matter what and I loyally and lovingly have your backs. I give God thanks for you this day and always. 

Love, hope, joy, peace, and blessings be always yours,


The Lord Bless You and Keep You

A Gaelic Blessing

The Summons- John Bell

St. Teresa's Prayer - Talbot and Card

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