Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finding peace at the Faith Factory and in our own lives!

Dear Family of Love!

What a day this has been! I served at both the 8 and 11 a.m. services today. That meant I needed to be up bright and early. I'm fortunate that I live about 5+ minutes away from St. Peter's a.k.a the Faith Factory. I arrived at the church early enough to open up and feel God's presence in the building while being alone. I love those times best of all because I can touch base with all of those who have gone before and have precious memories of  the 54 years I have been a member. Gradually our parish family members arrived and we did our final preparations for the service and at 8:00 a.m. the service started. I kept feeling peaceful and it remained so throughout the morning and early afternoon. Sometimes on Sunday's the peace may or not be there depending upon the activity level. I took a leaf out of yesterday's blog and decided to intentionally slow down not only in my life but in Sunday worship as well. Rushing through readings, prayers, setting the table for the Holy Eucharist, and all the other aspects of worship do not lend themselves to being mindful, worshipful, and peaceful. I'm learning more and more not to fear silence in worship. It is there for a purpose. These things can be carried in our lives outside the worship setting and  this blog should be helping quite a bit since we do our meditation and slowing down before prayer. Dear family of love, take time to intentionally slow down and enjoy the silence and find peace wherever you are. Doing these things will help promote a healthy body, mind , and spirit. Tonight let us begin winding down and getting ready for You Matter Monday! Remember that we don't get to take all those worries, fears, etc out of the Worry/Sabbath box until Sunset tomorrow. No peeky! No Worries tonight!  Now let's take time for our daily meditation and finding peace at the center.
Let's try this meditation music: Celtic Sunset

God of all creation we come to you this night in the silence of our beings to be at one with you!

God of all creation we come to offer our prayers and thanksgivings for ourselves and on behalf of others. We pray and give thanks especially for_____________________________________

God of all creation bind us into one family of love and that all of  our divisions may cease  with all living things and all that you have made.

God of all creation  take away all hatred from all of our family members who wish harm to our brothers and sisters who are most vulnerable and feeling unsafe, unwanted, and unloved.

God of all creation, bring to all drought parched areas of  the world much needed rain showers that will cleanse and heal your Cathedral of Life.

God of all creation, we pray for all of your children who are near death and have made the journey into The Thin Places to be with you in your eternal home of peace and joy.

God of all creation, may our hearts blossom with love for all living things and that we may practice conservation.

God of all creation, may we be compassionate, giving, and comforting towards all who are ill, in need, homeless, hungry, and in mourning May we help our brothers and sisters lay down and share their burdens no matter how light or heavy. For you taught us to share and give of ourselves.

God of all creation, may we continue to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you with light footsteps upon this fragile and broken world.  May we with your help speak truth to power and never forget that we are to be your voice and that we must speak for our voiceless and fearful family members.

God of all creation, protect and let peace prevail in Ferguson, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Gaza,, Africa, and in the Ukraine and all other places in this world. and may we never forget the refugees, persecuted, and all of our family members who have lost their lives by acts of violence and terror. 

God of all creation, we lay down our bodies, minds, and spirits and take our rest and lift these our prayers and thanksgivings in the name of your only begotten Son Jesus the Christ our Redeemer, Healer, and Voice for all the voiceless. Amen.


Good Night Family! I love you ! Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! Give yourself some slack and and remember that You matter to God and to me as well. Take good care throughout the hours of the night and may you wake refreshed and renewed. 

With love, prayers, and blessings and in thanksgiving for you this night and always,


Baroque Guitar and Lute

Bach Mix

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