Saturday, September 20, 2014

Today I spent time with my Cancer Family! Time to be grateful and give back!

Dear Family of Love,

Today I spent time with my Cancer Family. This was the first time I had the opportunity give and feel the love and support of our Cancer Family in Santa Maria. We are blessed to feel uplifted, loved, supported by so many wonderful people who have battled or are battling this disease. I saw quite a few friends and was the recipient of many hugs and kisses. I also was able to return the same. I can honestly say that I am no longer feeling that bad feeling of being alone and outcast. I am truly a part of this large and wonderful family that also includes you! 

This afternoon I was in a car cruise down Broadway and was in a Shelby GTO 500 Cobra Convertible. I waved at the crowd not like Queen Elizabeth but me. We made about 5 loops up and down Broadway! Tonight's dinner event was extra special too more on that later. I learned that as patients, survivors, and those who are loved ones with certain illnesses, we must give back and participate in as many functions having to do with our disease. As you support research, local services etc. It gives one a sense of love, togetherness, and purpose. You aren't just sitting in a chemo chair! You are contributing to your care and the future care of others. Tonight as we meditate to a few musical pieces please write down the illnesses, causes, and organizations that you support. Do you do check book advocacy or do you volunteer? Why do you do it? Do you really care about the people you are giving to or is it out of a sense of guilt? Think about it ! Remember God loves a cheerful giver! Let us take time to meditate. Grateful a Love Song to the World or Song of Gratitude and Worship 

Lord God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, we give thanks for the abundance that you give us each and every day that we live, move, and be.

Holy Spirit, you call us to great service in God's kingdom may we rise to the call and challenge  with courage and strength.  May we always be prepared to give back and the gratefully receive your blessed bounty.

Jesus Healer of all we pray for all those in need of healing and comfort. Remembering especially ___________

We pray for all who have died and are dying today remembering especially___________________
May we comfort all who mourn and be loving and compassionate.

God we pray that peace may prevail upon this Earth and in this Your Broken World.

/We pray for all caregivers of every stripe that they may themselves be mindful of their bodies, minds, and spirits. We pray that they take time for self-care

Gracious God we pray that you encircle all those who are in harms way of any kind but most especially wild weather especially in Taiwan and in out country.

Holy Spirit we pray for traveling mercies for all who are traveling any place near or far. 

God we pray that we may continue knitting a prayer circle of love and may we all feel God's love and the circle widening and at the same time embracing each and everyone of Gods Family in a holy and life sustaining hug.

Jesus may we never forget  the Good News you taught us and showed us not only in word and deed. May we become centered in what you said not what you didn't. May we never add to your Word to shame, hurt, harm, abuse, or divide for you are the God of Love and forgiveness for all of God's Family . When you meant all , you meant all not some. We are all loved, included, and given salvation once and for all.

Take our arms, feet, hands, bodies, minds, and spirits that we they may be gifts of yours to the least of these.

May we find rest this night and be ready for tomorrow' the Sabbath day. May we keep it holy and give back our lives to God in holy worship with humble and loving hearts. 

We lift up these our prayers to your most holy name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love, I love you!  May you have a restful and peaceful night. I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

Love, peace, and blessings!


Tonight's playlist

For the Beauty of the Earth -Rutter

The Lord Bless you and Keep You- Rutter

Vivaldi Gloria

Vivaldi Mandolin Concerto

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