Thursday, September 11, 2014

Finding hope when things are rocky, tender, and in chaos

Dear Family of Love,

I hope to be back on the prayer walking trail tomorrow. Today when we woke up we all remembered where we were on 9/11. This will be a forever memory that we will hold in our hearts forever. We must find hope when things are rocky, tender, and in chaos. It isn't easy but maybe when we begin to be more prayerful and finding peace in our hearts for ourselves and others that  may give us a good place to start. Loving all our neighbors will help too. We must find a way to love all people and I don't have to remind you that we have to love and care for everyone and every living thing on the planet.  Here is my list on how to find hope and give hope when things are rock and in chaos:

Hope giving list:

Love your neighbor and self
Put on an attitude of gratitude
Smile and shine God's light
Walk in the Light of God
Sing at the top of your lungs in praise and thanksgivings
Give tender and loving hugs
Hold the hands of loved ones who are in a tender place.
Be a caregiver
Pray and Give thanks
Give freely and receive humbly
Be a peacemaker
Be a lover of all living things
Drink from the Waters of Life and feel the waters of life coursing through your veins
Practice Random acts of kindness.
Live, love, laugh everyday!
Develop a sense of humor and resilience.
Let God, Jesus, and the Spirit in!
Accept all, love all, help all, be the child of God that God wants you to be.
Take time for meditation and find peace, love, and joy at the center.

Those are on my list! What are on yours? Let's take time for a time of meditation and go deeper and find peace and love at the center!

Here is tonight's music :Uplifting Music Mix

Gracious Spirit, Help us find hope when things are rocky, tender, and in chaos.  May we listen to the voice of the Spirit leading us to hope.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for our country and all nations of the world that we may be united in love and peace and be  the Family of God.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all those who have died remembering all those who lost their lives in 9/11. May we always remember and give thanks for the first responders who came to the aid of may of the victims and survivors.  May we all learn how to be sources of comfort and compassion to all those who grieve. 

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all those who are in a fragile and low place. May we be a soft place in which all of our family may find comfort and a shoulder to lean on. 

Gracious Spirit, may we be hope bringers, peace makers, joy givers, and lovers to all of our family members each and everyday and that we may help heal God's broken world.

Gracious Spirit, We pray this night for all those who practice the arts of healing in the medical profession. May we always give thanks for all practitioners of care giving.

Gracious Spirit, may we offer all of our prayers and those on behalf of others now_____________ to you Lord Jesus in you most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Loved Ones! I love you and hope that we will meet tomorrow with joy and hope. Remember tomorrow is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly without  fretting.  I give thanks to God for you all this day and always.

Peace, love, and hope be always yours,


Musical Rapture- A Sacred Gift of Celestial Music

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for meditating on hope, especially on this anniversary of loss and the racist, nationalist, and religious hatred that it unleashed as a backlash from the confused and grieving. That lingering bigotry that divides our human race is another aspect of the tragedy that only deepens the pain of the initial deaths. I hope one day you will share with us your thoughts on those who practice this spirituality of hope through giving care and love to others yet like those mentioned in Hebrews 11:13 in the Christian Bible must endure without ever being loved or comforted in return, never seeing any of their hopes realized in their lifetimes. I know God is always with us of course, but the lack of human comfort in this lifetime can be hard when it goes on decade after decade. Yet I take comfort in knowing the patriarchs and prophets experienced this and somehow carried on in faith.
