Thursday, December 25, 2014

A new normal at Christmas reminds us of God's loving presence! We must remember that God is our soft place to fall We must rely on God and God's broad and gentle shoulders!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas Day, remember we have 12 days of Christmas  and that means the celebration continues. We must never forget those who are getting used to a new normal.
New normals can be anything that involves change. These changes can be either in the plus column or the negative column. For many of us, this year brings with it grief and the adjusting to a new normal that isn't easy. I suspect that Mary and Joseph had to adjust to a new normal with baby Jesus. Jesus went through the ages and stages just like we did. Many of our main figures in scripture had to adjust to new normals too. So we aren't alone and we must learn that God is always there to draw strength from. I'm no different than anyone I have my periods of great grief and loss. Today and last evening was the first time Getting used to being by myself in the house on Christmas. I must say truthfully  it  hasn't been easy. Being with Dad for 54 years straight together in the house on Christmas was something I shouldn't have taken for granted. I miss my Dad in more ways than one. Being with my family today I found this  out even more. He was the buffer fulcrum that helped keep things in familial balance after Mom died. Now that He is gone there is hidden grief among many of our family. The feeling of rawness is palpable. I saw and felt this  even though my family didn't . On a side note I was told today that I'm not even allowed to speak my own truth on how I really am. I was told to lie and say "things are great" when they aren't. I suspect this is true for  many families even Steve's and my friend who I will call Jim for anonymity's sake are going through the same thing.  Please pray for all family members nearby and far away through out the world  who are grieving and going through new normals this season and beyond.With these  new normals at Christmas we are reminded or should be reminded of God's loving presence! We must remember that God is our soft place to fall  and God accepts us where we are, as we are, and we don't have to put on an act for the benefit of others. We must never forget that God is there even at the lowest of our lows and highest highs. So dear family or love  let us pray for these new normals and those who are grieving losses.

Here was my wish for you that I posted on Facebook today take time to meditate upon it and then pray the prayers below;  You may choose your own music today!

Good Early Morning! Merry Christmas! I love you! My wish for you all wherever you may be is this: May God's light like the star in the East shine through you as a loving beacon of love, joy, peace, and hope to our family members throughout the world. May our hearts be a manger where we meet God in humility and humanity and may we respect one another where we are and as we are. I Love you! May you feel God's presence as a present to you and yours.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness we pray for all of us who are going through new normals of any kind. 

God of unchanging love and steadfastness we pray for all  of us who are grieving losses and heart break, let us always remember you are our soft place to fall and all we need to do is to rely upon you when we go through trials and depths of despair.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness. we pray  that we will become soft places for the least of these to fall.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, we give thanks for the birth of your son Jesus who became the change in the world you wanted to see.  Help us to accept change and to go with the flow and let go and let you lead us into our new lives as you have crafted them to be.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, we pray that we may live authentically and be true to ourselves.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, we pray that all relationships that are strained that divisions may be healed and restored.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness , we pray for healing of our hearts,bodies, minds, and spirits and all those who are ill.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, we pray for peace in the world among peoples and nations.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, we offer our prayers and thanksgivings for ourselves and on behalf of others remembering especially _______________________

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, may we let our tears flow if they must and may they cleanse and heal our hearts and turn our hearts and spirits into joy.

God of unchanging love and steadfastness, may we sew seeds of hope, joy, peace, and love  and may we offer our prayers in the Name of Jesus your son who is our Redeemer, healer, reconciler,  teacher, friend and brother. Amen. 


Good Night Dear Family of Love ! I love  you and give thanks to God for you and your presence in my life today and always. May you continue to have a Merry Christmas, 12 More days you can still say it. Rest gentle in peace, love, hope, and joy.

Peace, love , hope and joy be yours this day and always,


Narada Decade

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