Monday, December 15, 2014

Tune your hearts ! Let's sing out in joyfulness!

Dear Family of Love,

How many of you sing, dance, play a musical instrument or engage in any art form? I hope you do!
Today is You Matter Monday and part of making ourselves feel like we matter is to tune (y)our hearts. Tuning our hearts and singing joyfully can reduce stress and connect us with the holy and I have to tell you it it is a whole lot of fun. Don't just sing in the shower! Sing in the car, on your walks, and anywhere you can. Tonight I attended An Irish Christmas at the Christopher Cohan Center at the San Luis Obispo Performing Arts Center on the Cal Poly Campus, it was fabulous  from the Irish music combo, Irish step dancers, The Singers and the Storyteller. I love anything Celtic as most of you  can guess from my last name. Tonight's performance reminded me of how important the performing arts are to our souls. As I was driving home I listened to Classical KUSC and they had Handel's oratorio Judas Maccabeus playing and I sang along all the way home yes, folks even the bass part! Here is that wonderful piece that inspired the title for tonight's blog. It is called Sion now her head shall raise, Tune your harps - Judas Maccabeus. I changed harps to hearts, it works just the same. I had forgotten how wonderful it is to sing God's praises even with a croaky voice.  So dear ones don't forget to take time to sing! St. Augustine of Hippo once said "He who sings, prays twice"  Take time this season for singing holy and joyful  songs and tuning your hearts and if you have a harp to sing God's praise. Tonight before we take our rest dear ones let us have a brief time of prayer.

God of Joy may we lift up our voices in holy song and dance for joy for this is the season of joyful expectation.

God of Hope may our hearts give hope to the hopeless and let us be mindful of the least of these.

God of Peace we pray for  The people of Sydney Australia, Ferguson, Staten Island, Sandy Hook that there won't be one more act of violence and terror committed by extremists and those who suffer from mental illness. 

God  of Love may we lovingly respond to each other's needs and that we may love all of our family members who feel unlovable.

God  of Hope may be be hope and light bearers to your fragile and broken world.

God  of Peace we pray for peace in your world among all people who are your beloved children.

God of Love we pray for all who are mourning the loss of loved ones especially in Sydney, Ferguson, Staten Island, and Sandy Hook and all who mourn losses of any kind.

God  of Joy we pray for all who are dying or have died today that they may find with you in the Thin Places a source of eternal joy and where the perpetual light will always shine upon them.

God of Peace we pray for peace in our own lives, hearts, and accept your healing of  our bodies, minds, and spirits.  We pray for all who are ill that they may receive your gift of healing.

God of Love, Help us to love ourselves more fully so that we may love others to the brim and overflowing.

God of Joy we pray for ourselves and the many requests made on behalf of our family members remembering especially________ May they feel your loving and joyful presence and in the stillness come hear your  voice.

God of Hope may we awaken refreshed, relaxed, rested, and renewed to serve you tomorrow and in the days to come.

We pray these our prayers in the Name of Jesus your Son. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of  Love! I love you!  Tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday! May we all do this. Slow down and enjoy the season of love, hope, joy, and peace. I give thanks to God for you this night and always.Don't forget to tune your hearts and harps!

Love, joy, peace, hope, and God's Blessings!


P.S. Tomorrow's blog will be a real zinger!

Judas Maccabeus- Handel

Vivaldi Mandolin and Guitar Concertos- Los Romeros

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