Monday, December 22, 2014

De-stressing our lives by seeking peace for ourselves, our family members, and the world. Meditation Key Word is Peace

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a wonderful You Matter Monday! For the past 24 hours I asked each of us to meditate on love. What have you discovered? Have you been able to interchange God and Love for each other? Can you say of yourself I am love? Can you recognize everyone around the world as loving gifts from God who are made in God's image and likeness? Can you say to yourself I love my enemies and want to do good to those who hate me? These are our ongoing challenges. Love and loving is the hardest life work we will ever do. Let us practice love in every step, breath, and action we take beginning with ourselves, God ,our family members (neighbors), and our enemies. Tonight's meditation focus is on peace. As part of our ongoing plan for de-stressing our lives we need to seek peace for and in ourselves, our families and family members, and the world. Tonight we will follow the same format as last evening.What does the word peace mean to you? Do you feel peaceful? Tonight's meditation music is  this  Sheep May Safely Graze- Bach put your timers, mindfulness apps, or anything that keeps time. Let's set them for 5 minutes be mindful of your breathing. As you do this can you feel love and peace in your bodies, minds, and spirits? If you can ,you are  beginning to de-stress. Now say to yourselves slowly and repetitively. 

or this:

After you do this for a few minutes let's meditate on the word peace. What does the word peace mean to you? Do you feel peaceful? After you consider what the word peace means to you Begin praying, using the word peace in your prayers or you may use the following.

God of Peace we pray that this night we may seek peace within ourselves, our families, and in your fragile and broken world.

God of Peace we pray that we may be your peacemakers and lay down every weapon of war be they words or armament. We pray for an end to senseless acts of  violence committed by the use of fire arms.  May your peace prevail upon Earth.

God of  Peace, may we be guided by your light of love and peace into our lives and may our hearts be mangers of peace where we will meet Jesus again so that we may be the messengers of  the Gospel message in deeds and also in words.

God of Peace, we pray for peace in the hearts of those who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. Give those of us who are ill to peacefully accept our limits and let go and let you and others pick up the tasks that we were planning to do.

God of Peace, we pray for peace in the lives of all caregivers this time of year that they may have peace in their hearts and the courage to say "No" and that they may find time for respite and self-care.

God  of Peace we  pray for peace in the lives of those who are newly and continuing to grieve the loss of loved ones.

God of Peace, we pray that we may be good stewards of your Cathedral of Life and that the Peaceable Kingdom of God may Reign.

God of Peace, we pray for all who are traveling that a sense of peace and calm may prevail whatever mode of transportation they are using.

God of Peace we pray for all who are dying or who have died that they may rest in peace and rise in Glory in the joy of the Thin Places.

God of Peace we pray for peace in this your Family of Love as we pray for ourselves and on behalf of our family members remembering especially____________.

God of Peace we pray for peace and renewal in all our cites remembering especially Ferguson and in thanksgiving for the reopening of the Ferguson Walgreen's. May this renewal be the first of many steps towards peace in this fragile community. 

God of Peace we pray for peace among the nations of the world and warring factions that peace will prevail ant that we may learn to listen lovingly with peace-filled ears.

God of Peace we pray for all those who cannot live peaceful lives because they are homeless, hungry, and ill-clothed. We pray for the least of these who may be indeed ourselves.

God of Peace we pray these our prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations in the most holy Name of your Son Jesus the Christ. Amen. 


Good Night Dear Family of Love, I love you! I wish for you a peaceful night in bodies, minds, and spirits. Tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday. Think of the word, concept, and ideal of peace until we meet again as we walk together on this journey called life. I give thanks to God for you this night and always.

Peace, love, prayers, and God's Blessings be always yours,


Oystein Sevag - Mix

Calming Music for Peace

Loreena McKennitt Mix

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