Saturday, December 27, 2014

Time to prepare for the advent of a new year now so that we can have time to follow God as God Calls us to continue to walk with Him on His Journey and Ours

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Self-Care Saturday. If you didn't take time for self-care you have another opportunity tomorrow. This is vitally important this time of year especially with all the bugs and viruses going around. It also is the icing on the cake that helps us to de-stress and enjoy our dessert. As we approach the beginning of a new year let us take time to reflect upon the year past. No need to make New Year's resolutions because God gives us each a new opportunity to do better in every breath and step we take. Remember the future isn't out there somewhere it is in our very next breath. I'm sure you never gave that much thought. Before we start a new year we need some navigational tools to help us out. I'm giving you these tools now so that we may await the new year with hope, joy, peace, and love. Here are my list of navigational tools.

A good pair of walking shoes! Yes we will begin in earnest prayer walking again. I've been laid low due to post chemo-fatigue and side effect.

A journal along with Sticky Notes. To write our worries, fears, anxieties, and stresses and yes our joys and thanksgivings. Make yourself a Worry/Sabbath Box and a Joy Jar.

Your favorite book of scriptures or meditations: I recommend anything from the Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston.

A new set of eyes and lenses to see the world with.

Faith the size of a mustard seed.

Make appointments to  get all your well -check ups  done.

A few new musical selections for  you to meditate with.

The courage to say "Yes" and even more courage to say "NO!"

Take time to begin to live authentically and not be afraid to be the real you.

Find yourself  new allies and support systems if the one you have no longer works.Create a new meaning of the word family.

Give your self permission to slow down and rest and de-stress.

See what organizations might need your help and muscles.

Find where your soft- place to fall is. It is here.

Foster an attitude of gratitude and practice random acts of kindness.

Taking time for daily meditation and prayer.

Take time to reacquaint yourself with God's Cathedral of life.

Live, love, laugh, dance, and sing.

Check in with your faith community.

Become a beacon of hope, joy, love, and peace to this world, to our family members, and yourself.

Love God more fully and spend time with God resting and praying.


God  we pray that as we await the new year may we prepare our hearts and minds to be ready for this new and continuing journey we call life.

God we pray this night for Baby Sophia who is struggling to live. We pray that she may be healed in the way that you have planned. Be with her family and the medical team who is attending to her needs.

God we pray that the Air Asia aircraft may be found safe. We pray for the passengers and crew. We pray also for their  loved ones who are awaiting news.

God we pray for all homeless, hungry, and those who have inadequate clothing to keep warm. We pray that they may find shelter from the cold this night.

God we pray that we may be united as One as You and Jesus are One. We pray for an end to division and enmity. 

God we pray for all who are having health issues of any kind especially those who are near and dear to us.

God we pray for peace  and an end to violence and terror.  We pray that wars may cease and that peace may prevail upon earth.

God we pray for those who mourn that they my find your loving arms giving them solace and warmth.

God we pray for all who are dying and those who have died that they entered into the Thin Places Joyfully.

God we pray for all who continue to travel and we pray especially for their safety as the move from place to place and on their way home.

God we pray this night for all those who are in need of spiritual and mental health healing. 

God we pray for ourselves and especially our family members remembering especially____________

All these prayers we pray in the Holy Name of Jesus! Amen.


Good Night Dear Family ! I love you! Take time for self-care tonight and tomorrow. May you feel the presence of God surrounding you this night and always. I give thanks to God for you this night and always as well.

Love, peace, prayers, hope, joy, and blessings be always yours,


Pachelbel -Canon and Gigue in D

Cortege De Bacchus- Delibes

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