Thursday, December 18, 2014

What if the Holidays aren't so Holly and Jolly ?

Dear Family of Love,

I give God thanks for you this night and always. As I was going through tonight's prayer list and requests, I quickly discovered that this time of year isn't as holly and jolly as one might be led to believe. We find ourselves in the midst of one tragedy after another and they aren't limited to acts of violence. These tragedies are personal and heart wrenching for all who are going through them.  I'm sure that all of you have gone through similar situations, but this year it seems as though that we are having trouble getting in the Christmas Spirit. This isn't unusual and certainly can be explained.  I would suspect that even Mary and Joseph lived in troubled times too and weren't exactly Ho ! Ho! Ho! contemplating having to make a trip to Bethlehem in the last few days before Jesus' birth.  My point is this we all are going through rough and depressing times and it doesn't matter who you are or your station in life. So what would God and Jesus do?  I know one thing they wouldn't do and it is this be sucked into all the unnecessary hype, holiday vortex, and one- upmanship. God and Jesus are calling us to keep it simple, reflective, and concentrate on what's truly important.  How do we do this?

We must love, support, and be there for one another no matter what.

Be prayerful and meditative

We must be able to not sweat the small stuff

Make a new plan for how you are going to go through the holidays.

You don't have to be a people or family pleaser.

Keep it real! You don't have to get sucked into the commercialism and hype.

Know who your natural allies are! Having trouble with your immediate family ? Create a new one of your own choosing.

Don't feel you must conform to the same traditions each year.

Check into your local place of worship. 

Read Walk With Me On Our Journey!  PM me on Facebook or DM me on TWITTER! I'm here for you and am your soft place to fall. I'm even open to Facetime and Skype!

Limit your time when you visit or how long people visit. No need to have long and drawn out visits.  My mom would be the visit limiter for the family. She'd stand up, sweep her arm out and say "It was nice to see you! Please come again!" When she was bed-ridden or in her chair out of the wheel chair she found ways too.

Get to know your holiday and grief triggers! Stay away from your family if you need to.

Exercise and watch your diets.


Call your local mental health professional, AA Sponsor,clergy person if your depression and addictions becomes acute.  
Have the following numbers and links handy for yourself or any family member!
1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
211 search information
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Overeaters Anonymous
Alzheimer's Organization

Tonight let us write down what is keeping us from enjoying the holidays! Place them into the Worry/Sabbath Box and let go of them and be kind to ourselves! Here is tonight's meditation and prayer music.The Great O Antiphons or Taize

Gracious God we come to you this night with many things on our hearts and minds, help us to lay these things that we now name before you at your feet _______________________

Gracious God we come to you this night with our prayers for all neighborhoods, cities, counties, states, and nations that need to be renewed and restored to places of safe and peaceful living. 

Gracious God we come to you this night in prayers for all children who are ill and hospitalized in Pediatric Intensive Care Units. We remember this night Baby Sophia that she may be healed and that her precious body may recover from her bone-marrow transplant and that she may return home to be with her family. We pray for her family and medical team who are with her this night.

Gracious God we come to you this night in prayer for all refugees and those who have been displaced by war and calamity. We remember all our family members who are economic refugees who flee from the countries of their native origin to seek a better life.

Gracious God we come to you this night and pray for peace in your fragile and broken world.

Gracious God we pray for all  of our family members who are traveling this holiday season by air, train, car, bus, that traveling mercies may surround them. 

Gracious God we come to you this night praying for all of our family members who are homeless and are forced to spend the night in the cold and all of our family members who are the least of these.

Gracious God we pray for all our family members who are mourning the losses of family members. 

Gracious God be with all clergy who are preparing to preach your Word to our family members who may only hear the Gospel message once a year. Inspire their words and speech so that they may empower and touch the hearts of those who  listen.

Gracious God be with us who may not feel jolly this season. Comfort our hearts that we may feel the gift of your presence and our family members who can't be with us.

Gracious God we come to you this night with additional prayers, thanksgivings, celebrations, and remembrances

Gracious God we pray and offer these our prayers in the name of your only Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you! May you rest gentle in God's arms this night and may you feel God's holy presence enfolding you! 

Love, joy, hope, peace, and blessings be always yours,


A Winter's Solstice II Windham Hill

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