Sunday, December 7, 2014

The lonely, lost, those living alone, and grieving need our love, care, and compassion at all times and especially now more than ever

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a blessed day. Sundays, holidays, and and even other days can be a time of loneliness for many of our family members. We all need to be especially more intentional in caring for our family members who are grieving, lonely, lost, and may for a variety of reasons feel invisible.  Holidays do have a way of  giving our family members times of feeling out of place and out of touch with blood family members  So this year I propose that we all take time to make a list of all of our single, widowed, grieving, alone, lonely, lost,  and divorced family members who will be alone during the holidays and make every effort to include them. Tonight let our meditation time be directed towards all of our family members who are marginalized and who continually find themselves falling through the cracks.  Let us do a mental list on how we may lovingly respond to their needs. Here is tonight's meditation music: Comfort Ye My People - Handel 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised we pray for all of our family members who  are feeling invisible. May they be given courage to help effect change so that justice may roll down and everyone will have equality and human rights.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all of the least of these who will be spending the night in the cold and without shelter. 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all people who are suffering with mental illness and those who care for them.

God of the lonely, lost , and disenfranchised, we pay that we may rise to help all of our family members who are in need. 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, take away all bitterness, strife, and division that infect our hearts that we may be loving, united, and steadfast in proclaiming liberty, justice, and peace to all.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we  pray for all living things that they may be protected from harm and that we may become good stewards of God's Cathedral of life.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray that we all may have the courage to live authentically as our true selves without fear, violence, and abuse.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all refugees, undocumented immigrants, captives, political prisoners, victims of violence, abuse, terror, and human trafficking.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for  all children of the world that they may be protected from harm, abuse, and bullying. We pray for all of our orphaned family members may find loving and forever homes!

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all of our LGBTQ family members that they may be afforded all human rights that that we may give them dignity and respect as Jesus did to all whom He came into contact with. 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we offer our additional prayers and thanksgivings for ourselves and one behalf our all of our family members, remembering especially_____________

Jesus, our Redeemer, reconciler, healer and friend of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised we pray these prayers in  Your most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you! I give thanks to God for you this night and always!
Here was my wish for you that I posted on Facebook this afternoon:  My wish for you this day is that you feel that you are loved with a love a big as the universe, joy that will reach to the heavens, hope that will always spring eternal, and peace that will dwell deep in your souls so that when life's storms happen you may quickly ride them out. 

Love, peace,joy, and hope be always yours this day and always!


George Winston -December

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

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