Thursday, December 11, 2014

Embracing the holy!

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Yes, dear ones Thanksgiving was just two weeks ago. We are still called to be loving, thoughtful, and thankful family members of God. Everyday is holy. No, we aren't let off the hook! We are to embrace the holy every minute that we live, move, and just be. When we breathe we breathe in the Holy Spirit which keeps our souls alive and engaged to do the work God has given us to do. When we breathe out we are reminded that when we were born God put the air and spirit into our bodies as a reminder of this holiness. Unless we are at the doctor's or have run a long race we might not feel what is happening in our lungs. So let's take time to breathe in and breathe out. Let us become aware of the holiness in our bodies and the wonderful gift of life God has given us. Let's breathe in slowly through our nose counting to 5 and releasing through our mouths at the count of 5 do this a few times being aware of what is happening within. How does that make you feel? When you do this do you feel God's loving presence residing in your bodies?  There is a hymn I would like you to listen to as part of tonight's meditation music. Breathe on Me Breath of God with Lyrics contemporary version How do these words speak to you? They speak to me in many ways and I will share with you how they help me to embrace the holy.

How do I embrace the holy?

I embrace the holy by acknowledging that everything that God created is holy.
I embrace the holy by showing my love for all of my family members.
I embrace the holy by speaking out for the voiceless and invisible.
I embrace the holy by loving my enemies and those who hate.
I embrace the holy by practicing peaceful non-violence.
I embrace the holy by accepting and including everyone into our family of love.
I embrace the holy by being an ally for all those who are seeking universal human rights.
I embrace the holy by being a good steward of God's Cathedral of Life.
I embrace the holy by accepting God's call.
I embrace the holy by following Jesus and being his sister, friend and walking the walk and talking the talk as He Does everyday in our lives.
I embrace the holy by remembering to pray daily.
I embrace the holy by walking with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit on life's path and journey.

How do you embrace the holy?

We embrace the holy this night in prayer and in the stillness , in the longing, and seeking to be in your loving presence O God. 

Holy God we give thanks for the rain, we pray for the safety of all people in the wake of the storms.
Holy God we give thanks for your holy creation and the beauty of your Cathedral of Life.
Holy God we give thanks for your gift of peace. May peace prevail upon earth and within ourselves.
Holy God we give thanks for our family of love. Lovingly enfold your arms around them this night if they are having any worries, anxieties, or fears.
Holy God we give thanks for our voices that we may speak truth to power and be the voice of the voiceless.
Holy God we give thanks for your healing power that you are doing in the lives of  those who are ill  in body, mind, and spirit.  We pray especially for ____________
Holy God we give thanks for everything you have given us so abundantly.
Holy God we give thanks for ears and hearts to hear your still small voice.
Holy God we give thanks for the least of these as a reminder that we may never become hard, cold, or complacent. 
Holy God we give thanks for the lives of those who now reside in the Thin Places. We pray for all who mourn and may we step up and lovingly respond with comfort and compassion.
Holy Jesus we lift up these our prayers in love, peace, joy , and hope in your most holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you and I hope you know that each of you are eternal and holy beings made by a loving, merciful, and gracious God in God's image and likeness. I give thanks to God for you this night with love,joy, peace, and hope in my heart.

Love, joy,peace, and hope be always yours,


Andreas Vollenweider - White Winds Full Album

Kitaro -Light of the Spirit

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