Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Arts as a way to find renewal of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Good Evening Dear Family!

I'm sorry that this is late but I attended a special presentation at the Performing Arts Center San Luis Obispo.  It was a wonderful performance and showcase of the arts that use the facility. As I was watching this marvelous showcase I was wondering what each of you do to feed your soul culturally and if you knew how important it is?  Well as one who has been seeing early in the year lethargy, illness, and burnout from many of you, I think it is time for our yearly reminder to feed our bodies, minds, and spirits by attending  and engaging in creative arts pursuits. God gave us art so that we may be able to tell stories, show the beauty of the Cathedral of Life to our family members in pictures either in oil, chalk, pastels, tempra, charcoal,photograph, and collage, show  us in music the many songs that God sings to us and that we may sing or play for God, by creating works of pottery and some are fashioned into chalices and patens, drama to show the emotions of the human spirit and frailty of man's nature. and  beautiful choreography to dance to show our beautiful sinews. The arts do this. These and many ways are how God shows us many things and gives us these creative arts to bring love, peace, hope, and joy into the world.  What are your favorite ways of using the arts to soothe your tired bodies, minds, and spirits? Tonight let us take time to check in with our creative sides and draw in our minds and hearts, and heart homes what kind of arts we find our souls drawn to or God has drawn us to.  Here is tonight's meditation music.Bach - Goldberg Variations and mix 

God we pray for all who minister to us through the creative, dramatic, music, and visual arts. 

God may we find the artist in all of us that we may show your glory in art.

God we pray for all who are drawn to the arts as a place for respite of their bodies, minds, and spirits.

God may we find art as a way to seek you in the still small voice of  calm in art gallery or sculpture garden.

God may we see art in your Cathedral of Life and that we may with you work to conserve it to your honor and glory.

God we pray for our family members who practice the art of medical healing that they may be your hands of healing and comfort. We pray for all who are ill remembering____________

God we pray for all of our family members who are the least of these and that they may find  food, clothing, and shelter. 

God we pray for all who have died and are dying bring them peacefully to the place of Eternal Joy.

God we pray for peace int the world and that weaponry may be replaced by paint brush, musical instrument and in the voice of song.

God may we become your artists of love, joy, hope, and peace this night and always remembering you are the one who inspires the work of  our hands, hearts, and voices. 

God we add our own prayers and thanksgivings!  Remembering especially_____________________

We lift these our prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen. 


17. For Church Musicians and Artists

O God, whom saints and angels delight to worship in
heaven: Be ever present with your servants who seek through
art and music to perfect the praises offered by your people on
earth; and grant to them even now glimpses of your beauty,
and make them worthy at length to behold it unveiled for
evermore; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Today's wish: 

Today's wish is that everyone takes time to appreciate the gifts that everyone brings to the table no matter how large or small.

Good Night Dear Family! Paint your dreams tonight with love and a tapestry of hope, joy, and peace. Give yourselves over to the stories that your dreams will tell you and may you find rest for your bodies, minds, and spirits.  May your souls take flight and sing praise to God while you sleep.  I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always. 

With love and peace of mind,


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