Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Do you know what day it is? Not that day! A refresher in making every moment we live holy. No time like the present.

Dear Family of Love,

Do you know what day it is?  Not that day! You would be correct if you said it is Wednesday January 21, 2015. On our calendar in Walk With Me On Our Journey- style, it is Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to get to know that we have a plan for making each day of the week holy and I would like to share with you this daily  plan again:
We start on Sunday: 

Sabbath rest and care Sunday - devoted especially to God and worship and not doing monumental amounts of work.

Monday: You Matter Monday is the day we remember that we matter and everyone else does too. We do this on a Monday to prepare ourselves for a positively oriented week.

Tuesday: Take Care Tuesday : This day gives us and enforces the need to take care of ourselves and not get stressed out. 

Wednesday: Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday: This day reminds us to find wonder and also to connect with God's Cathedral of Life:

Thursday: Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday: Devoted to being mindful of others and giving thanks unceasingly. It is on this day because of Thanksgiving and Maundy Thursday.

Friday: Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly without Fretting is the day we banish our fears, worries, anxieties in preparation for Sabbath weekend and focus on what matters most. The love of God for us, the love we have for ourselves, and the love we have for others. Symbolically we place our written  down post a notes containing our worries, anxieties, fears and anything else that keeps us focused on God in a Worry/ Sabbath box for the weekend. No Peeky! Friday is  our reminder of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross and also how we must "Consider the lilies!" You may of course use the Worry/Sabbath box daily.

Saturday: Self- Care Saturday is devoted in making time for ourselves for either the whole day or a portion of it.  Do what Jesus and God did by taking time to rest and pray and get away to the other side of the lake and take time to walk at the time of the evening breeze. 

Each of the above days are never alike! They have certain qualities and they make us mindful that every day is holy! Strike that! Every nano-second we live is to be considered holy. We must acknowledge this and take nothing for granted. Earlier this evening many of us learned of the passing of Marcus Borg a wonderful theologian and writer. His writings appeal to those of a more progressive bent but well worth the read. His works and those of J.B. Phillips and many others, led me to find hope and faith outside of the box, seeing that God is greater and larger than myself and told me my "God is too small", as a follower(s) of Jesus we are given permission to color  and go outside the lines as Jesus did everyday. That leads us to our meditation question for this evening: Who are and were your mentors and those who got you to think outside the box, color outside the lines, and love radically as you never have before? Think on these things not just today but throughout the remainder of the week. I will give you my answers soon.  For our meditation and listening music I have chosen faith songs from :David Haas -Gather Us In Mix or for those who don't like that one here is one of my favorites: Ennio Morricone- The Mission Soundtrack  Let us take our time bathe in the memories of your mentors, teachers, those who challenge you to rise to our better selves and give us courage to be resilient and loving souls to a fragile world and humanity. Pray and give thanks for them.

God of time and space help us to see each nano-second that we live,move, and be as holy times fit  with love, hope, joy, and peace and that we always may feel your presence and dwell with you.

God of time and space, we pray for all those who are dying and are in transition and preparing for their heavenly journey to the Thin Places. We pray this night  for Marcus Borg who has joined you. 
We pray for all who mourn losses and are also pre-grieving.

God of time and space, we pray that peace in this world of yours may prevail and be accomplished in our lifetime so that we may be truly united as your loving family.

God of time and space, we pray for all who are in need of stable employment and transitioning from new jobs and life paths.

God of time and space, we pray that your gracious and healing hands may be upon those who are ill this night and that they may be returned to health. 

God of time and space, we pray that we may be mindful of our vulnerable family members who are in dire need of housing, food, and clothing. We pray for their safety this night and always.

God of time and space, take our bodies, minds, and spirits and lead them to serve, love, and protect our family members nearby and far away.

God of Time and space, we pray and give thanks for______________

God of Time and space we pray for our mentors by name ______________ And we give thanks for their contributions to our lives and the lives of others.

God of Time and space we pray these our prayers in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 


Today's wish is that all of our family members have a wonderful day filled with love, joy, wonder, and inner peace.

Good Night Dear Family! Let's make every moment that we live count! Pick up the phone, text, post, tweet, IM everyone tonight and throughout the week that you love them. I love you ! I am blessed and humbled by your presence in my life. I give God thanks for you this day and always. Tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! 

With love and peace of mind, 


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