Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Let us truly be a family and check in with one another. It is very easy to do!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone is doing well today! Did you remember it is Take Care Tuesday? I hope so I have been doing just that. I hope to be able to go to church tomorrow morning.  So we rest. Resting and taking pause is ok. I have been feeling that wonderful sense of  calm these past two days.  I'm very glad. God gives one what one needs. It's not always easy but it can be done. We find ourselves easily depressed these days especially with all the news on TV and other media and hearing all the struggles our family members are going through. I think we are finding ourselves being made more sensitive to many situations in our lives, So where does that leave us? It leaves us where we need to be and that is in the place where love and compassion help us not to become hard hearted and hateful individuals. This is where being truly members of God's family comes in. This is the time now more than ever where we all have to come together and be truly family. We all need to share equally of our joys and sorrows. I have been by myself during these past few days but not lonely because I have you all in my corner. You are all with me in my heart home too. We all need to start checking in with each other on a regular basis. It is easy to do if you are on social media ! Here is how we can begin to check in with  our family members on social media. 

               Ways to Check in with our Family Members on Social Media

Tweet or Post a How are you doing? or Thinking of you post on Facebook or Twitter.
Send a special photo you took to  a family member who may be going through a hard time.
Like posts, photos, and pages.
Be aware of what our family members post or tweet. They may give us clues on how they are doing. Listen with your hearts to what is being said.
Be sensitive what you say and how you say it.
If something looks like it needs to be taken privately do so.
Don't try to josh someone out of a bad mood.
Let us be ourselves, however that may be.
Practice kind posting and tweeting. Tweeting is like texting you may never know the context. 
Practice using loving and compassionate language.
Lovingly respond to those who are ill and may be going through hard times.

This week, I challenge us to check in with our loved ones on social media and beyond.  Tonight we are going directly into prayer using a prayer list form and one you may wish to print out for yourself. 

God of love who makes us family we pray for:
For love in our heart homes and peace of spirit.
Baby Sophia
Those who are homeless, hungry, ill clad as they spend another night in the cold. 
For shelters to meet the needs of the least of these.
Nigeria and an end to all the massacres committed by the Boko Haram
France as they seek to find healing.
For an end to terror and violence of all kinds
For peace in the world and in our hearts.
For our most vulnerable family members.
For social service agencies who struggle to survive.
For all faith communities that they may find shared purpose and be united in love and seek to find common ground.
For all those who protect and serve us and keep us safe from harm.
For our family members who are in need of healing.
For safety in all aspects of our daily living.
For those who travel.
For all agencies that serve and help children, women, the elderly, and those with mental and memory related illnesses.
For all students and  teachers.
For our family members who are refugees.
For those who are facing difficult times.
For all caregivers.
For all who grieve.
For these and our additional prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations we pray these our prayers in the most holy name of Jesus. Amen.

Morning Wishes:That everyone honors their bodies, minds, and spirits and stay well and healthy! I love you!

Evening Wishes: Tonight I wish for you peace of body, mind, and spirit. Let us continue for peace in all the war torn areas of the world.


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you and hope that everyone has a blessed and restful night. May we all be the loving,  beautiful and wonderful family that God has made us to be. 

Love, blessings, and peace of  body, mind, and spirit be always yours,


Michael Jones Mix

David Koz Mix

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