Friday, January 30, 2015

Today's wish is that we never be afraid to say the words" I love You" and "i'm glad that you are in my life!"

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting! I hope everyone had a beautiful day and that you all have taken time connect with your loved ones today! I'm connecting with you because it  is so very important. Loss of connections makes the heart hurt and the doesn't make anyone feel good or as if they matter. So this weekend please pick up the phone, text, email, FB, Twitter and or pay a visit to those who need and would like to hear your voice or receive word from you. Make sure these connections and re-connections are done out of love and compassion. I'm reminded of what I posted on Twitter and on Facebook today: Today's wish is that we never be afraid to say the words" I love You" and "i'm glad that you are in my life!" Now, if y/our family members don't want to connect with you pray for them and keep trying. Write a letter! Yes letter writing is still a good thing to do and it is becoming a lost art. We all need to have faith in people and ourselves when we practice the art of being kind, loving, and generous, As part of our regular Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting ritual and placing our worries, fears, anxieties, and anything else that keeps us from making holy connections into our Worry/Sabbath Box let us place those concerns that may make us feel estranged from our loved ones. Then after we do this let us pray for the strengthening of holy connections. Our meditation music for this evening is this: Hans Zimmer- mix

God help us to strengthen the holy connections so that we may be united in the bonds of love and family-hood.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that remind us that we are family to even the least of these and our enemies.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that make us one with you so that we may serve you as in the paths  you have set before us.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that are needed at the time when our family members mourn losses of loved ones and friends.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections to reach out to all our family members who are ill and may we pray this night for all who are ill remembering especially_____________________________

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that unite us and not divide us.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that call us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you so that we may become the voice of the voiceless. We pray for peace and an end to wars, violence, and terror. We pray for all refugees, captives,and victims of abuse and trafficking.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections to our loved ones who have died so that we may pray for those who are dying and transitioning into the Thin Places.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that will help us to have a reverence for God's Cathedral of Life and all living things and beings.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections that we may bring ourselves and our gifts to the table daily and share them with all of our family members with love and for the common good.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections when we share our life's story with courage we may feel  your loving  arms around us as we speak our truth with love and mercy. May we not be afraid to come out of our closets what ever those closets may be and the secrets that need to be told. May with live our lives authentically with love, courage, and grace.

God help us to strengthen the holy connections as we pray for ourselves, on behalf of our family members, and those who have been afraid to come to us and ask us for prayer remembering_____________

God in the name of Jesus we lift up these our prayers who connects us to you and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Good Night Dear Family of Love, I love you and wish you all a blessed night! I'm glad that you are in my life and in my family. I give God thanks for you this night and always! 

With love, gratitude, and blessings to the brim and overflowing!


Diane Arkenstone The Healing Spirit

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